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Lina, The Noob slayer

November 5, 2012 by SamSB
Comments: 0    |    Views: 4548    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Typical build

DotA2 Hero: Lina

Hero Skills

Combustion (Innate)

Dragon Slave

2 3 5 7

Light Strike Array

1 4 8 9

Fiery Soul

10 12 13 14

Laguna Blade

6 11 16




Hello, this is a guide for kicking *** with Lina, the Noob Slayer. Feel free to leave feedback in the comments section below regarding the guide.

About Lina

Lina is a very powerful nuker and very strong early and mid game hero, who can scale okay into late game given a decent amount of farm.

A majority of games, starting off she tends to make a great lane support or roaming hero. She is a hero that needs minimal farm to be effective due to the sheer nuke damage gained through levels. Whether your date be a roamer or a laner, the gank threat is exceedingly high with decent team coordination.

She can solo mid but typically is more of "**** we forgot to pick a mid" type mid. Mostly because unlike alot of typical mids, she won't tower dive for a gank easily nor will she easily transition mid lane farm into carrying - the **** str/agi gains, reliance on nukes and lack of mobility tend to hinder her from doing so.

I hate to be a pessimist here, but in the early game unless your lane partner is clearly an idiot - do not take farm from them. You are not a hero that is going to fast farm blink and ravage your team to victory. You are not a hero that will have 6 slots because of a 10 minute battlefury nor are you a hero that will nuke farm 6 slots from massive regen and carry, necessarily. (Even though many of us seem to think we can. ;) )

Pros / Cons

Strong nukes with short cooldown
Can use spells without having targets visible (****ING AWESOME)
Can push/counter push
Solid at all stages of the game
Fairly high int gain assures many nukes and right clicks will hurt.

You have to actually aim her ****
Bad positioning means your dead
No escape mechanism
**** agi/str gains (SQUISHY)

Build Justification

Urn of Shadows and Arcane Boots are in my opinion, arguably two of the most valuable items in Dota to date. Surprisingly enough, these items have incredible hero synergy with our favorite fiery caster.

First off, Urn passively provides 50% regen and Arcane's increase your mana pool by 250 while providing 135 every 55 seconds.


See: Build 2

So maybe your Juggernaut rushed Mekansm and your Void decided a Pipe of Insight of appropriate for the loads of magic damage he wasn't back tracking.


First off, the build is a little different. IF YOU SEE SOMETHING LIKE AXE, TIDEHUNTER, DAZZLE, WARLOCK, and YOU (LINA). AND you are not absolutely stomping the opposition... GUESS WHAT.


It usually involves taking mid, or a side lane. Getting early phase, bracer, (bottle if you need regen), early levels in fiery soul BUT not afk farming, you wil. Working your way to a Drum, Crit

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