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7 Votes

Lina Master's Build That Works

January 7, 2015 by darkseedX
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apaz (17) | January 11, 2015 7:35am
First, I just want to say to check out my guide to Lina Here. It should explain all of your Item mistakes. For example, used as you are, all that Shadow Blade is going to do is force your opponent to spend 180 gold every once in a while. Blink Dagger is far superior for both initiation, and if you've got the experience for it, escape.

A support Lina that turns into a semicarry? She's best played as a position 2-4. Unlike other supports that turn into semicarries like Sven, Lina doesn't work like this. She's not as flexible as far as that stuff goes. She can however, be played effectively as a semicarry from the get-go, because of the OPness that is Fiery Soul

Otherwise, improve your guide by adding Pros/Cons, Counters, perhaps a guide on stacking and pulling, and try to add a bit of math in to prove that your build is viable.

Also, to prevent your guide becoming an unscalable wall of text, read this guide here.
Pocciox (2) | January 9, 2015 7:41am
there's absolutely no need of MoM. it's a wasted 2000 money on her because
1) you already have a lot of ms
2)you already have a lot of AS
3you don't want to be MORE squishy than you already are.

and i can't understand how you say you reject blink dagger as initiation item, while you want to use shadow blade as escape item-
Unscathed (47) | January 9, 2015 2:58am
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | January 8, 2015 8:02am
Mask of Madness + Lina = Whats yer MMR?. Kappa.
Hamstertamer (89) | January 8, 2015 4:01am
Since you already have Euls it's better to go blink than shadowblade...since you can simply Euls yourself and blink out to escape.
Euls and blink is a very good combo because generally you can't really escape with blink because your blink goes on cooldown for 3 seconds when you get attacked, but with euls you can simply Euls yourself until your blink comes off cooldown and blink out.
Blink-Euls is a reliable escape while shadowblade is a horrible escape against people above the "there's an item called dust" skill level. Shadowblade won't ever save your life unless you're playing against terrible players.

On the other hand shadowblade can be legit on Lina as a ganking item because it allows you to land Light Strike Array better (and for the 175 damage), but in that case there is no need for Euls you can get an orchid or a sheep instead.
wangyuphing (9) | January 8, 2015 3:56am
blink or force is better than shadow blade, i say. these two isnt counterable by wards or dusts or *****. it's another story if your enemy has no detection, at that time shadow blade shines brighter than blink and force combined. i say.

if you want MS go Phase Boots. wont break if you attack. hell, it increases your dmg by 24. i say.

MoM is rejected cause you already have Fiery Soul which is better than MoM. this build of yours is only efficient if no one is targeting you and there's no way this is happening, even on 2k mmr. you are squishy, and therefore, you are the primary target. buying MoM means making you even squishier. if you want lifesteal why not go Helm of the Dominator to Satanic? if you want attack speed you already have it. if you want MS even SnY is better, i say.

darkseedX | January 8, 2015 1:32am
I understand why u rejected. The whole item build and skill build, is to achieve some purpose. Thanks for commenting XD.

1. Blink :
I think the most important purpose of blink is to intitiate. In case of initiation, I think Lina is not the best initiator, she got low health, she will blink and with the blink of an eye she will die. Well for this matter I'll let the initiator do their job to initiate combat.

The other purpose of blink, is to do a scondary follow-up attack after the initiator commence the engagement, in which we call combo chains. Well in this matter, Lina can be that person, but is not going to be a very significant 2nd initiator. Because in my oppinion Lina's role in battle is to be in the back dealing as many damage as she could, and not in the front line.

Even in the rear formation, alot of things can go wrong, many player will backstab your formation, and killing the easiest one first (meaning Lina), when you get backstab (enemy sent a killer hero to attack the rear) blink dager could not help you, and that time you will wish that the blink dager is still like the old dota, that can blink even you are attacked.

So for my playing style, blink didnt serve the purpose, while shadow blade might save your life.

2. Green Boots (Tranquil)
Tranquil is very important for this build, of course, you can change the boots later on in the late game, but this boots is very essential in early and mid game. With addition of Eul you are a walking fountain. It serve the purpose for roaming the entire map, and not wasting time go back to fountain for refil. And with amazing movement speed, you will be time efficient roaming trough the map. A lot can go wrong with roaming also, you will not able to lvling fast, and if you also have to go back to fountain every time the attack fail, then you cant keep up the game, and end up to be number 6 position (there only 5 posistion, the position number 6 is for the feeder, and spend all the money buying ward)

3. MoM
Well is not really a core item, but when you use all your skill, I just want to let them know, that hell is not over yet, here comes the rail gun (MoM + 3rd skill can go for +355 attack speed, and crazy additional movement speed you can chase anyone)

I play this build and play style alot, and never disapointed, even the game is lost, with this build, I always bring a beautiful game play, is like max out Lina's potential.
wangyuphing (9) | January 7, 2015 11:32pm
shadow blade, rejected
MoM, rejected
No blink, rejected
tranquil is useless when u are going right click build

fix these, and maybe i'll upvote it. Need explanation why I rejected these?? I don't think so XD
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