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we understand that, but what we are trying to say is that even if you guide is WIP, you should totally complete atleast 1 or 2 sections before posting. just the bare skill and item build does not do much to sate our needs :{D
Problems with this guide:
1. Not in depth
2. No explanations
4. barely 5000 words
5. Contains no actual content, just a list of items and explanation of skills.
It covers all of the Items in depth, gives reasons, gives Friends/Foes/Food, explains the skill in depth, explains what to get when, explains what heroes certain Items are good against, how to make builds efficient, emphasizes Lina's squishiness, includes a tips and tricks section, describes how to push a lane to go for a rune, and overall has 10 times more content, coming into a word count of around 50,000 words.
In other words, I made the same build as you did. I just put thought and effort into it. I worked for perhaps 72 hours on that guide. You probably spent 2 or less. To improve the guide, put time and effort into it, do a little math on which Items are best, and string efficient Items together into builds. That is how you make a build. Then, you EXPLAIN. 95% of the people that read these guides are "noobs" trying to get better. They cant do that if there are no explanations. They need to learn how to make their own decisions and develop a playstyle.
Believe it or not, to me, dota is art. Spending only 2 or less hours on a painting is not okay.
Then again, it isn't your fault. I criticize hard, but my first guide SUCKED. Keep playing, keep getting better, and you will find all of the sudden that you know how to string together items into builds.
A few things to help:
1. Armor and Magic resistance are only truly useful if you have high HP to begin with.
2. Attack damage is inefficient without attack speed, and vice-versa. (unless you are talking about something like Jinada, Sleight of Fist or Tidebringer, in which case stacking damage is okay)
3. If you already have lots of burst, making armor or magic reduction items is way better than buying a Dagon.
4. Instead of stacking percentage based mana regen items to the max, some intelligence can make what you already have way more efficient.
Damn...I've been lied to lol. Items explanations are next!!! Bloodstone imo is kinda wasted on lina, you have enough mana regen with euls, and enough to pretty much be infinitely spammable with a 2nd mana regen item, the mana increase isn't that useful, same as the hp regen, but hp is always nice. It's just much better save up a bit more for a skadi, or get a shiva's guard... UNLESS you really need that suicide, or plan on dying first in teamfights as support and giving your team that heal.
When you complete this guide I will be commenting on it :)
Right now I like your items and skills, and would just suggest the following:
- Why not a Bloodstone? Explain please.
- Add items explanations and friends and foes
- I think that, in certain cases, for instance when you don't have any reliable disable in your team at level 1 to help you position that Light Strike Array, you may want to consider taking Dragon Slave first, to use in the lane - what do you think? Of course that for first blood in the rune's clash, for instance, it is better to have the stun.
Anyway, I like what you have in your guide so far!
DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.
And good luck on completing your guide
1. Not in depth
2. No explanations
4. barely 5000 words
5. Contains no actual content, just a list of items and explanation of skills.
Basically, this is my
It covers all of the Items in depth, gives reasons, gives Friends/Foes/Food, explains the skill in depth, explains what to get when, explains what heroes certain Items are good against, how to make builds efficient, emphasizes
In other words, I made the same build as you did. I just put thought and effort into it. I worked for perhaps 72 hours on that guide. You probably spent 2 or less. To improve the guide, put time and effort into it, do a little math on which Items are best, and string efficient Items together into builds. That is how you make a build. Then, you EXPLAIN. 95% of the people that read these guides are "noobs" trying to get better. They cant do that if there are no explanations. They need to learn how to make their own decisions and develop a playstyle.
Believe it or not, to me, dota is art. Spending only 2 or less hours on a painting is not okay.
Then again, it isn't your fault. I criticize hard, but my first guide SUCKED. Keep playing, keep getting better, and you will find all of the sudden that you know how to string together items into builds.
A few things to help:
1. Armor and Magic resistance are only truly useful if you have high HP to begin with.
2. Attack damage is inefficient without attack speed, and vice-versa. (unless you are talking about something like
3. If you already have lots of burst, making armor or magic reduction items is way better than buying a Dagon.
4. Instead of stacking percentage based mana regen items to the max, some intelligence can make what you already have way more efficient.
This fixes a lot of item inefficiencies.
Thanks for your time.
Right now I like your items and skills, and would just suggest the following:
- Why not a
- Add items explanations and friends and foes
- I think that, in certain cases, for instance when you don't have any reliable disable in your team at level 1 to help you position that
Anyway, I like what you have in your guide so far!