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3 Votes

Like the Void between stars - Enigma

November 24, 2014 by BlueBrick
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Fecal Impaction | January 11, 2015 11:07pm
The map you posted is out of date. Xenasis' excellent Jungle 101 guide was written in July 2012, and the 6.79 patch (October 2013) swapped the pull camp with the small camp.
* Swapped the medium pullable Neutral Camp with the small camp
ginosaji | November 26, 2014 7:48am
BlueBrick wrote:

About the Black Hole part. I already said that the point of casting Black Hole isn't to deal damage. The point of casting Black Hole is to disable enemies and let your team finish them off. The reason you skill it at the standard levels is because it decreases the cooldown.

I assume you only looked at the top build instead of actually reading the guide. I would really appreciate if people actually read the guide before commenting, instead of just looking at the top build. This is the reason why many good guides don't get popular, and bad guides get all the votes.

I did read the guide. You said something to the effect of "skill your ult at 6,11, and 16 like other heroes, but some people like to not level it at 16." Then you say, "just to be safe skill it at 6,11, and 16." You also have the default skill progression taking your ult at 16 as well. You never really talked about why you wouldn't want to skill it past 6 or 11.

I'm just stating my opinion that you should skip skilling it at 16 in most circumstances unless you aren't carrying the mek for some reason and don't plan to go refresher in the near future because you won't have mana for any of your other skills.
BlueBrick | November 24, 2014 4:41pm
ginosaji wrote:

A few things...

Definitely do not leave Midnight pulse until level ten. In fact, I get it at level 2 and Maliface at 4. There are two main reasons for this. First, you can zone very effectively with it as mentioned in the above post. Secondly, it allows you to clear trees between camps, allowing you to jungle much faster. On Dire side, use it between the Hard camp and medium camp nearest the mid lane. This allows you to not even really have to move your eidelons to get both camps, allowing you to clear both and the second medium camp under one minute by level 5 depending on the creep spawns. That isn't possible without clearing the trees, your eidelons are really slow. On Radiant side, the advantage is of Midknight pulse is even higher. Place it between the medium, hard, and easy camp nearest the radiant easy lane. It clears trees to have access to all three camps while moving less than 400 units or so. If you don't feel safe out there, you can use at the Wisp tree clear spot between the medium and hard camp nearest the mid lane on the radiant side. Try it out, it will significantly effect your jungling speed.

As far as builds and item choices...
I like to go fast mek if at all possible. It works best if someone else buys courier. Buy the components of soul ring. Walk mid and follow or block if needed. Convert a melee creep right before they hit the ledge going down to the river. Then walk to nearest medium camp and clear it. It'll give you enough for the rest of your soul ring. Obviously, this is a bit greedy so it isn't always optimal for your team. If you can pull it off, you can get mek in under 7 mins pretty regularily, sometimes before 6 mins and walk to any lane with level 7-8, mek, soul ring and pretty easily take that tower. Most games I pretty much move from one T1 to the next. In most scenarios, the enemy team won't be able to fend off the push even with just you and whoever is in that lane from your team unless they send like 4 heroes there, in which case, space created. I like this style better than rushing blink because blink essentially assures one kill assuming you use it properly. One tower is worth more than one kill except in very specific circumstances.

Also, I would strongly advise not skilling Black Hole at 16. The damage isn't all that much better considering the mana cost. This is especially true if you're carrying the mek or have your refresher up. There are just very few situations where the extra damage from the extra point make a difference, but there are plenty of situations where you run out of mana.

About the Black Hole part. I already said that the point of casting Black Hole isn't to deal damage. The point of casting Black Hole is to disable enemies and let your team finish them off. The reason you skill it at the standard levels is because it decreases the cooldown.

I assume you only looked at the top build instead of actually reading the guide. I would really appreciate if people actually read the guide before commenting, instead of just looking at the top build. This is the reason why many good guides don't get popular, and bad guides get all the votes.
BlueBrick | November 24, 2014 4:32pm

Some things i Wanna point out:
Malefice is not taken for the damage. It is rather a good Disrupt ability. Imagine 3 small stuns bundled up in one. It is the equivalent of stunning a person thrice if Breaking Tps or turning around ganks are your concern.
Secondly, Midnight Pulse shouldnt be left till level 10. Skill atleast a point in it before levle 6 for those scenarios where the enemy offlane is intensively Push Based, throw this at your tower and they WILL be scared.
Third, Why Bracer? it cost 525 gold and gives 6 strength . In comparison, an Ogre Club gives you 10 str and builds up into Black King Bar. A 500 increment is nothing compared to the advantage you get by making an ogre club.

i think Enigma is not the Best carrier for Mek but it can be Done. Just take care you dont delay your Blink Dagger for that.

Aghanims Scepter costs 4200 Gold not 4800 gold

And lastly, demonic Conversion Doesnt work on jungle creeps level5 and above. You ight mention in your guide that you can convert Seige Creeps into the eidolons and it works as a Deny!!

Other than That, your item choices are correct.

Midnight Pulse is actually a very forgotten skill, because by right it is used ib contact with Black Hole, but it's already so hard to land a good Black Hole that people don't even bother to cast Midnight Pulse before it, which is why I like to leave it until level 10, but of course it's really up to player preference.

Thanks for pointing out the Aghanim's Scepter price. I will change it.

Bracer is actually more of an early game core item. It gives you cheap stat boosts and a little tankiness. That extra tankiness could really mean the difference between life and death. You can sell it later in the game to purchase more useful items.
Unscathed (47) | November 24, 2014 3:16pm
only get shadow blade if you cant save enough for Blink Dagger

Ah yes. The kappa os real.
ginosaji | November 24, 2014 1:27pm
A few things...

Definitely do not leave Midnight pulse until level ten. In fact, I get it at level 2 and Maliface at 4. There are two main reasons for this. First, you can zone very effectively with it as mentioned in the above post. Secondly, it allows you to clear trees between camps, allowing you to jungle much faster. On Dire side, use it between the Hard camp and medium camp nearest the mid lane. This allows you to not even really have to move your eidelons to get both camps, allowing you to clear both and the second medium camp under one minute by level 5 depending on the creep spawns. That isn't possible without clearing the trees, your eidelons are really slow. On Radiant side, the advantage is of Midknight pulse is even higher. Place it between the medium, hard, and easy camp nearest the radiant easy lane. It clears trees to have access to all three camps while moving less than 400 units or so. If you don't feel safe out there, you can use at the Wisp tree clear spot between the medium and hard camp nearest the mid lane on the radiant side. Try it out, it will significantly effect your jungling speed.

As far as builds and item choices...
I like to go fast mek if at all possible. It works best if someone else buys courier. Buy the components of soul ring. Walk mid and follow or block if needed. Convert a melee creep right before they hit the ledge going down to the river. Then walk to nearest medium camp and clear it. It'll give you enough for the rest of your soul ring. Obviously, this is a bit greedy so it isn't always optimal for your team. If you can pull it off, you can get mek in under 7 mins pretty regularily, sometimes before 6 mins and walk to any lane with level 7-8, mek, soul ring and pretty easily take that tower. Most games I pretty much move from one T1 to the next. In most scenarios, the enemy team won't be able to fend off the push even with just you and whoever is in that lane from your team unless they send like 4 heroes there, in which case, space created. I like this style better than rushing blink because blink essentially assures one kill assuming you use it properly. One tower is worth more than one kill except in very specific circumstances.

Also, I would strongly advise not skilling Black Hole at 16. The damage isn't all that much better considering the mana cost. This is especially true if you're carrying the mek or have your refresher up. There are just very few situations where the extra damage from the extra point make a difference, but there are plenty of situations where you run out of mana.
Kyphoid returns (42) | November 24, 2014 8:18am
Some things i Wanna point out:
Malefice is not taken for the damage. It is rather a good Disrupt ability. Imagine 3 small stuns bundled up in one. It is the equivalent of stunning a person thrice if Breaking Tps or turning around ganks are your concern.
Secondly, Midnight Pulse shouldnt be left till level 10. Skill atleast a point in it before levle 6 for those scenarios where the enemy offlane is intensively Push Based, throw this at your tower and they WILL be scared.
Third, Why Bracer? it cost 525 gold and gives 6 strength . In comparison, an Ogre Club gives you 10 str and builds up into Black King Bar. A 500 increment is nothing compared to the advantage you get by making an ogre club.

i think Enigma is not the Best carrier for Mek but it can be Done. Just take care you dont delay your Blink Dagger for that.

Aghanims Scepter costs 4200 Gold not 4800 gold

And lastly, demonic Conversion Doesnt work on jungle creeps level5 and above. You ight mention in your guide that you can convert Seige Creeps into the eidolons and it works as a Deny!!

Other than That, your item choices are correct.
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