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64 Votes

Light Of The Omniknight - protect your team!

February 27, 2012 by TheBearJew#192455
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LittleRoss | November 23, 2012 12:21am
Nice guide!

Sometimes I buy Phase Boots over Arcane, because soul ring doing almost the same job but omni have more potential on 1 v 1 kill due to +24 damage and i think phase is in synergy with degen aura especially when chasing hero and using purification as dd. Plus Necromicom can be an advantage in some cases together with int staff's.
Alcatraz The Jaywalker (2) | October 22, 2012 6:11pm
Very good but you need to put in wards and other support items like dust and smoke that are a necessity.
lux0r | October 10, 2012 9:12pm
Good guide, I really like this guide. I was using during my first omni pub game. I did great! Got 1 kill, 3 deaths, and 26 assists. We won. I love playing as Omniknight now!
Rajhin | August 23, 2012 9:40pm
I used this guide when just started playing Omniknight, thanks for familiarising me with him, but I don't like your starting items choice.
Getting recipe of Soul Ring at start with tangos and branches is all you need, doing SR as your first item, of course. Then you get Arcane Boots right away.
You can rush Arcane Boots as first item as well if you have lanemate that needs it.
I don't see why you need Ring of Basilius at all, the mana-boost is small and Omniknight don't need this armour bonus as he is durable enough. I think it's bad choice even if it's not pub, you can sustain on single Soul Ring just fine. Other than that is exactly how I play.
Noxdormus | August 21, 2012 7:58am
Thanks guy, nice guide, I will try it tonight :)
aNInjaSloth | July 16, 2012 2:13am
i played omni knight just now this guide helped a lot i even got more kills then my teams carrys xD
WorkPants (7) | July 4, 2012 4:12am
The Lory wrote:

BKB on Omniknight??? You have a free BKB on the W of your keyboard.

Getting Guardian Angel off in fights is a must, and you can't always Repel yourself. Although Black King Bar isn't an every game pickup on Omniknight, it has it's place.

+Rep/+1 for cookie cutter Omniknight guide.
The Lory (2) | July 4, 2012 4:04am
BKB on Omniknight??? You have a free BKB on the W of your keyboard.
DNTE | June 19, 2012 4:21am
nice guide, one could probably use BKB with Omniknight's ulti for near invincibility do you not think so?
Strothy | April 22, 2012 2:10pm
i play omi as tank and DD... as healer i suck xD
Pyronoid | April 17, 2012 8:45am
Just started playing Omniknight today as part of basically my first month of DOTA and this build has been a fantastic help. The skill tree works wonders, Purification is ridiculously good for harassing and healing Heroes (the number of times I assisted a Hero in a teamfight with it, or even saved their *** in the aftermath) - plus it's just bare fun striding around with Auras coming out of your ears.

My only complaint is the written section of your guide is in serious need of editing. It looks pretty vile compared to a lot of other builds I've read on this site and it's a bit dissuading - your item and skill builds might get read, but not your actual notes of implementation.

It's clear you play a solid Omnibro, however! Great guide!
JersonRp | March 31, 2012 9:57am
what do you think about skady, it can give you more chance to slow down your enemies, that's what i get
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