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1 Votes

Lich- This Ice Ain't Nice

October 16, 2012 by MunkeyFish
Comments: 6    |    Views: 11225    |   

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amigosu | November 6, 2012 11:07am
-1 because I didn't like your itembuild.

For Lich, Bracer > Null Talisman. You will not last hit a lot, you do not need extra mana and the damage against heros is almost neglible.

Arcane Boots is other bad choice, you do not have mana problems and probably you are not the best hero in your team for carrying this.

Assault Cuirass and Orchid are not optimal for Lich and should be extremely situational.
Glayde (13) | October 17, 2012 9:21pm
Pretty good build, but some things I noticed:

- Don't start with a Mantle of Intelligence. A set of Tangos would be better.
- Get Sacrifice at level 1. Denies a creep and gives you mana.
- I don't get the Null Talisman. A Bracer would be better so you'll get more HP and regen.
- Don't go for Assault Cuirass. A Shiva's or Scythe of Vyse would be better.
- Add some pictures, boldness, and some underlines.
Nlsnightmare21 (3) | October 17, 2012 5:11am
good one, but IMO it's better to get SACRIFICE at level1. If a carry loses 1 creep every creepwave the it's 20% less gold for them, REALLY big
DirtGrub (13) | October 16, 2012 10:09pm
When to pick lich is easy. Enigma or magnus. those poor souls that see a lich and one of the aforementioned coming.
Smith (2) | October 16, 2012 7:26pm
Pictures would be nice :)

Overall, +1.
hubey | October 16, 2012 5:25pm
I don't get the Null Talisman choice. Your sacrifice should give you enough Mana Regen. So if you want cheap stat items get Bracers, since your survivability is a bigger problem.
Same goes for Mana Boots, even though those can be useful for your Allies in some cases. But you'll have to buy Wards and also need to get your Mekansm as soon as possible, so Tranquils are better imo.

You could also throw a Section like "when to pick Lich" in your guide. The other written stuff was good.
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