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Lich Start Guide for Noobs by a Noob

August 25, 2013 by Xythan
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Xythan | August 26, 2013 5:01pm
Hi Sprout,

Thanks for the reply.

I plan on adding those in the future and are hinted at in the coming soon section. When I get more experience and feel I have valid tactics to discuss I will start adding these.

If you can't wait, please see the two guides I link in the introduction.



These go into the Later game play of Lich in greater detail.
Sprout (1) | August 26, 2013 4:37pm
I totally understand that it's for noobs (like me!) but some information about the extremely diverse roles he can play, lane support, solo offlane, mid etc would be cool. Plus maybe a section on being responsible for wards?
Xythan | August 26, 2013 12:58pm
Thanks for views and the comments.

As Silly stated Sac is taken first in order to get the denies cranking.
As to the regen if you read fast start summary you will see that I list tango and healing pot as optional items along with wards.

Further down if you read the detail reasoning of the items selected at start on the first or second last hit fast select tango and have the courier deliver and should be there by time you need it.

It may prove after getting more experience into the game that getting the regen first is more practical but since I tend to hang far back out of harassment range using sac and denying more and need regen less right at the start I find the extra stat boost more useful in the first 1-2 min of match and after that I have the tango from the courier. Normally can get it in 30 secs or less.
Silly | August 26, 2013 9:34am
you surely need regen at start and also sacrifice is taken at lvl 1 because you can deny creeps at 00:00 and second at 00:35 so that way you gain level advantage over the enemy. ofc frost blast is viable if u can get a kill
Sando (118) | August 26, 2013 8:33am
Sacrifice first is pretty standard - you might take Frost Blast in a trilane, maybe. And yeah definitely need some regen, as suggested.
theBlober | August 26, 2013 8:25am
Regen is actualy realy important, so instead of circlet id rather start with tango and salve (3 gg branches)
99buttonz | August 26, 2013 6:19am
I do not actually get to things.Why do you start playing without regen,and level sacrifice first?IMHO,slow can help you in a 1 lvl gank.
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