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27 Votes

Lich - Dead Man Drifting (6.83)

March 3, 2015 by Sando
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Sando (118) | March 6, 2015 5:45pm
It works fine - only "ward" units are now disabled - like Death Ward and Mass Serpent Ward.
magicmat (1) | March 6, 2015 11:45am
Is Chain Frost and still working with Chronosphere? Death ward of Witch Doctor didn't work anymore.
Megadeaf | June 3, 2014 11:00am
miishin wrote:

Throwing the Chain Frost and hitting everyone on the enemy team is so satisfying.

I loved when I threw my ult on 4 ppl killing 2 of them instantly with scepter and Veil of discord, then Witch doctor did his stun and held the 2 survivors in place, while my ult just bounced between them. Unfortunately one of them was a squishy hero, so the other one survived with 300 hp ;)
SoloBrow | May 18, 2014 2:24pm
Thanks for the suggestions!
Sando (118) | May 16, 2014 4:46pm
Your friend would enjoy playing him I think, you do get to spam your Frost Blast regularly and don't suffer from mana problems (even with KOTL you have to be careful not to run too dry, as Chakra Magic has a reasonable cost). Lion's Mana Drain requires a bit more care, and Crystal Maiden needs levels before Arcane Aura really starts to do the job.

The issue with Lich is that he's a very control/attrition based lane support - he's great at making space and eating the opposition's consumables, but he's not particularly good if you want to be aggressive early on, or against heroes with a lot of burst who can go on you. The ideal lane would be something like Faceless Void and Lich against say a Mirana.

She won't like the constant nuking if she contests, and even with a blocked pull camp you can still keep the lane steady. Once you both hit level 6 you've got serious kill potential with Chain Frost and Chronosphere.

He'll have to learn to manage his mana sooner or later, but when you're that new it's probably more important to find a hero you like using.
SoloBrow | May 16, 2014 1:57pm
I have a friend who just picked up DOTA and he's having trouble understanding not to spam spells on heroes. Do you think it's a good idea to introduce him to Lich and allow him to spam spells constantly? While it may help him in the short run it won't teach him to keep his mana pool. Yet he also needs the practice landing combos and such so using more spells helps him get that down. Suggestions?
Sando (118) | May 16, 2014 10:43am
Hmm, I'll check the wording - I thought it was pretty clear that ANY hero nearby (from either team - maybe that's the bit I'm missing) will get XP from the snackrificed creeps. So you do deny XP, and gain more yourself, by using it BEFORE the creeps reach enemy xp range. I'll tidy it up a bit.
Zrog (1) | May 16, 2014 9:24am
One inaccuracy: if you're calling this a 6.81 guide. Be aware that Sacrifice no longer denies XP to the enemy, which your section on the ability seems to imply. Sacrifice used to do this, but no longer. You still deny them the gold, though.

I remember seeing this in the patch notes, and it's also on the gamepedia wiki.
ashwinthegrim (7) | May 15, 2014 11:27am
Solid guide.

This build works effectively in both organized games and random pubs. Interestingly, as mentioned in the guide, Lich is an amazing mid hero if your team can allow it. Here is a link to a game where I went mid as Lich (since ES did not want to go mid): It was a pretty fun game.
xCO2 (72) | September 9, 2013 9:27am
Ancient Hero wrote:

You play very aggresive against him. He has a small hp pool and low armor so harassing and going to the kill forces him to play defensively and not be able to spam his nuke. If he gets room, ur just gonna get nuked every time he getrs some mana.

Harass is easily countered by picking up an early point in Frost Armor against physical damage and a Magic Stick against spell spammers. His real weakness is pushers and nukers.
Ancient Hero (17) | August 23, 2013 12:04pm
You play very aggresive against him. He has a small hp pool and low armor so harassing and going to the kill forces him to play defensively and not be able to spam his nuke. If he gets room, ur just gonna get nuked every time he getrs some mana.
ZzAzZ | August 23, 2013 11:52am
What is a good way to avoid/counter being harassed in lane as Lich? It doesn't always happen but I can have trouble teamed with certain heroes against certain other combos in lanes.
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