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Level 3 Rosh, Advanced Guide to Bring Odds to Your Favor under 4 Minutes

January 13, 2016 by Croofe
Comments: 9    |    Views: 28272    |   

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Vapor24 (1) | April 25, 2016 5:11pm
6.87 update means that roshan's experience gain on death is nerfed really hard early game. Sad roshan rushes are not that good anymore, they are always exciting!
Nahmae (1) | April 18, 2016 4:49pm
I like the way you've done this nice little guide :)
fat_pudge | January 25, 2016 1:27am
10 times out of 10 Rosh killed easily :) TY!

U can see how ez it is:
Taskit | January 24, 2016 4:27am
Gonna try this, thanks for the good guide
majestic as puck | January 17, 2016 1:55pm
probably work better if the support smoked into the pit as well. does leave your position one solo but he dosent have to share exp for around 50 secs (time to take rs and return to lane) but the cash from taking down rs more then makes up for it and the support gets a lvl out of it.
i'm suggesting this as u the smoke and tangoes takes a fair bit from your support that cant just spam clarities to secure lane for your carry and its more reliable especially if the support can afford a basi ring before u enter the pit
kaelohare | January 14, 2016 6:29pm
I look forward to it thanks!
Croofe (1) | January 13, 2016 10:12pm
Tigerre wrote:

Question: Is Iron Talon not better for jungling? I would've thought that getting Iron Talon would increase your farming speed in the jungle, theoretically getting that Morbid Mask slightly faster as well as buying a Smoke of Deceit yourself rather than getting a teammate to do so for you. Also Iron Talon (or Quelling Blade) is needed to choke point jungle in some camps.

This guide is not about jungling (even when I point out to go jungle in the start of the guide), this guide is about killing roshan at minute 4. I even put some words that jungling is bad, especially for Ursa, since he farms so slow. But this guide supersedes by huge margin that it is worth to jungle for the first 3 minutes.

Also, The main point in jungling is to make sure you are not being seen in the map from the start of the game and enemies to not wonder where he goes when he is off map. He is Ursa after all. If he goes laning, and suddenly out from lane for one minute, smart people will question where he is.

After taking Roshan, I usually don't go back to Jungle. I usually hunt and roam with my superior level and abilities, thus no need for Quelling Blade since it serves no purpose.

Iron Talon costs 500 gold, and don't have the speed to pay itself under 2 minutes. Quelling Blade is also the same, despite only 200 gold. Incidentally, you may purchase Quelling Blade without Stout Shield, but you will find you need regen much more than using Stout Shield, and you probably die when facing stacked easy camp or facing medium camp.

Ursa never needs Quelling Blade for his jungle as Fury Swipes acts pretty much the same (and the bonus damage from Fury Swipes doesn't stack with Quelling Blade)

kaelohare wrote:

i only get it done about half the time, is that normal? i get to rosh around 2:55, but the bashes man, they get me.

It seems you have trouble, I'll post a video soon how I take down rosh. Check the gameplay guide section again.
Tigerre (4) | January 13, 2016 7:55pm
Question: Is Iron Talon not better for jungling? I would've thought that getting Iron Talon would increase your farming speed in the jungle, theoretically getting that Morbid Mask slightly faster as well as buying a Smoke of Deceit yourself rather than getting a teammate to do so for you. Also Iron Talon (or Quelling Blade) is needed to choke point jungle in some camps.
kaelohare | January 13, 2016 7:11pm
i only get it done about half the time, is that normal? i get to rosh around 2:55, but the bashes man, they get me.
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