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Let's Play || Alchemist [ 6.85 ]

November 24, 2015 by Blubbles
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(MID) Farming / Late Game Build

DotA2 Hero: Alchemist

Hero Skills

Greevil's Greed (Innate)

Acid Spray

2 4 8 9

Unstable Concoction

10 17 18

Corrosive Weaponry

1 3 5 7

Chemical Rage

6 11 16


12 13 14 15

Let's Play || Alchemist [ 6.85 ]

November 24, 2015

An Alchemist Overview

The sacred science of Chymistry was a Darkbrew family tradition, but no Darkbrew had ever shown the kind of creativity, ambition, and recklessness of young Razzil. However, when adulthood came calling he pushed aside the family trade to try his hand at manufacturing gold through Alchemy. In an act of audacity befitting his reputation, Razzil announced he would transmute an entire mountain into gold. Following two decades of research and spending and preparation, he failed spectacularly, quickly finding himself imprisoned for the widespread destruction his experiment wrought. Yet Razzil was never one to take a setback lightly, and sought escape to continue his research. When his new cellmate turned out to be a fierce ogre, he found just the opportunity he needed. After convincing the ogre not to eat him, Razzil set about carefully concocting a tincture for it to drink, made from the moulds and mosses growing in the prison stone work. In a week’s time, it seemed ready. When the ogre drank the potion, it flew into an unstoppable berserker rage, destroying the cell bars and exploding through walls and guards alike. They soon found themselves lost somewhere in the forest surrounding the city with a trail of wreckage in their wake and no signs of pursuit. In the tonic’s afterglow, the ogre seemed serene, happy, and even eager. Resolving to work together, the pair set off to collect the materials needed to attempt Razzil’s Alchemic transmutation once more.

Alchemist is a durable hard carry who is focused on getting as much gold as possible. He is unpopular in the meta because it typically requires a lot of skill and knowledge in order to pull off the farm he needs to get going. With proper farm he makes an amazing carry, capable of wiping out multiple heroes or entire teams at once. All of his damage output is physical, which makes him unique. His spells are also focused around getting him tons of gold and making use of it. Acid Spray for farming large AoE's, Greevil's Greed for boosting your farm, and Chemical Rage to farm faster. Unstable Concoction is used as utility, a stun and possible suicide tool.

theres not too many great guides on Alch so I thought I'd try.

YAYs and MEHs
  • Easy farming
  • Uses items well
  • Physical Damage ( BKB Piercing )
  • Built in fountain
  • Armor reduction ( Boosts Physical Output )
  • Good at making space with Acid Spray
  • Can out-harass most heroes with Acid Spray
  • One of the fastest pushers w/ items
  • Disgustingly low stat gain
  • Low armor
  • No escape / initiation
  • Low movement speed
  • Hard to bounce back if you're behind
  • Stun is unreliable


Acid Spray is a AoE spell that damages and reduces the armor of enemies on it . throwing this down in lane zones your enemies and makes last hitting a breeze ( especially with Quelling Blade ). Most opposing heroes won't try to fight you while you're on Acid ( ha ) due to the fact it actually does a lot of damage. Total w/o Reduction: 240 / 320 / 400 / 480. That's a ton of damage, no way they can stay on there for more than a couple seconds. Even just getting last hits will be a struggle. When you cast it, try to cover the entire creep wave and where your lane enemy will have to stand to get last hits, effectively zoning them. Comes in handy for flash farming neutrals and Ancients. Its functionality in the late game is for zoning enemies out of areas you need to be in charge of, like when you're pushing a tier or engaged in a team fight.

Unstable Concoction is your overall utility spell, a stun and raw damage, that will be used against you if not used in time . This is your most underpowered skill as a carry Alchemist. While the stun nd damage are potentially powerful, it just takes too much setup for it to be practical for anything than canceling TP scrolls, which it why we don't take a point in it til 10. If you know you can successfully charge it and throw it, like if an enemy is passively farming and doesn't see you coming, sure go for it. Only cast it when you are under the effects of Chemical Rage so if it does backfire, the damage will be insignificant. As a note, you can use this skill to commit suicide. If you know you will die soon, try and cast this 5.5 seconds before you will die.

Greevil's Greed is what makes Alchemist an insane farmer, giving him bonus gold with each consecutive last hit. Greevil's Greed boosts his gold exponentially. Just to give you an idea of how much gold it racks in, let's do some math. If he gets the first bounty rune and multiplies it by 5, that's an instant 500 gold ( Gloves of Haste). Then if you get all the last hits in the first wave, which has 4 creeps worth ~40 in it, thats a base 160 gold + 40 bonus gold. Thats 700 gold within the first minute or so. Insane. It is essential you have wards on either rune so you can get the bounty rune. Instant 200 gold each. This is part of the reason why Alch should go mid, for the easy rune control. Maxing it out first is pretty greedy (haha), so sometimes maxing Acid first is better. It really depends on the amount of farm you're getting.

Chemical Rage is a built in Fountain and Hyperstone. By itself, it isn't much. But with enough farm and some wit, it can turn into a beast of a skill. Until you have the cores you need, Chemical Rage should be used to flash farm. Coupled with Acid Spray you clear waves and neutral camps with ease. You don't need to save it since it's cooldown is so low. Don't be afraid to use it. With Void Stone, the total mana you'll restore is: 100 / 275 / 400, so you'll never run out of mana for Acid Spray. Once you get your core items, you will just tear through towers, enemies, and creeps. Even Roshan is easy work. Take risks because you can shrug off the damage, but don't be a fool.



Hand of Midas - This is a core because as well as giving you even more gold, it also gives you some needed attack speed and more exp. hence, more levels. It is admittedly a greedy item, even for Alchemist, but I think it's needed to boost that farm even further. Kinda optional but I highly recommend it. The fast levels are needed on Alch so you can get around to more GG levels and stats.

Battle Fury - Yet another extremely greedy but absolutely core item. The raw right click damage synergizes well with your armor reduction and attack speed, and the Void Stone component increases the mana regen from Chemical Rage a huge amount. And then theres the real reason we get it: flash farming of course. Makes taking down waves of creeps even easier than before. I prefer BF over Mjollnir because it's cheaper and gives stats a value more on an alchemist. You need damage so your Chemical Rage attack speed actually does something. Also the speed at which you clear waves with BF is steady and scales up with your damage unlike the Mjollnir procs which are unreliable, don't scale, and deal magic damage.

Abyssal Blade - The bash synergies well with your high attack speed and it gives Alch a reliable stun. Brawling someone with Bash and CR you'll be bashing all over the place. The 85 damage doesn't hurt either. Oh wait, it does, but not you. It does cost a whooping 6750 gold but it's worth every penny. If you don't need damage just go Skull Basher and get another item like Assault Cuirass or Heart of Tarrasque.

Assault Cuirass - A great addition to any strength carry, and Alchemist is no exception. Gives you even more attack speed on top of Chemical Rage to synergies with Abyssal Blade and Battle Fury. The armor lets you tank even more than you already do and compensates for your naturally low armor. Not to mention it's an aura so your allies share in your good fortune.



Start off with Boots of Speed, a set of Tangoes, and a Clarity. The boots are a must because you don't want to spend time trying to farm for them. Alchemist already has a decent amount of HP so Stout Shield isn't needed. He also zones back enemies and has an easy time last hitting, which makes Quelling Blade an item for later. Tangoes and a Clarity are sure to keep your HP and mana almost full until you get Chemical Rage.

Contesting that first bounty rune is a must. You can't just pass up a free 500 gold.


Alchemist's laning stage is focused around one thing. Want to take a guess? Thats right! Gold! Getting last hits and collecting those bounty runes is the single objective of your entire lane. Kills honestly don't matter as long as you are getting last hits. you will get more gold by last hitting than you ever will with kills.

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