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11 Votes

Leshrac - The Impurifier

December 17, 2013 by Sando
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UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 6, 2014 11:20am
Ofc.... it is really easily countered after all.
Unscathed (47) | December 6, 2014 11:09am

How about adding a Shadow Blade to the luxuries/situational list? I mean Diabolic Edict + Pulse Nova + Shadow Blade = INSANE DAMAGE!

Only as a extremely situational item though.

used to do that when im a scrub (still is)

trololo pickup
UltraSuperHyper (12) | December 6, 2014 9:51am
How about adding a Shadow Blade to the luxuries/situational list? I mean Diabolic Edict + Pulse Nova + Shadow Blade = INSANE DAMAGE!

Only as a extremely situational item though.
Sando (118) | January 14, 2014 2:08am
I think it's just the usual min/max versus flexibility debate. Spreading your points around gives you more options, but at the cost of reduced spell efficiency. A 2nd point in Diabolic Edict can get you another 400 damage for 25 mana, while an extra 80 damage from Lightning Storm may cost you 100 mana at that point. For that reason it's more usual to max 2 skills first.

Have included a few different builds to include some Lightning Storm based ones, it certainly does have its place but the Split Earth/ Diabolic Edict combo is more usual and potentially deadly.
Xyrus (104) | January 14, 2014 12:33am
Sando wrote:

However...the problem isn't really with Lightning Storm but your other spells. Basically they both provide better utility than it. Having a stun is great - you'll always want one available - and edict is just so potent for both killing and pushing.

Lightning Storm is just as useful as Diabolic Edict or Split Earth. Other Team Pushing your Tower? Lightning Storm provides Counter-Push. Is that guy running away with barely any HP, and none of your Teamamtes can catch him? Lightning Strike is great for finishing low HP Targets that would otherwise get away. Want more Damage in a Teamfight without having to get too close to the front lines? Lightning Storm lets you hit anything.

I've found based from playing Leshrac, and watching pr0fessional players, that it's best to take a level in all your skills by lvl3, then adapt to the situation as needed.

Leveling Split Earth and Diabolic Edict gives you Ganking Power
Leveling Split Earth and Lightning Storm gives you Teamfighting Power
Leveling Diabolic Edict and Lightning Storm gives you Pushing Power
Leveling all 3 equally makes you highly flexible, but isn't that useful unless the game is unpredictable and you want a few levels in everything to make sure you're covered
Sando (118) | December 18, 2013 4:46am
Thanks Peppo - I agree people sometimes see him as purely a support hero, and he can be a very effective mid/semi-carry. I've added the build you mentioned, and also another theoretical one that could be an extremely effective "ultra push" one, with Diabolic Edict and Lightning Storm maxed first.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | December 17, 2013 7:48am
I love this, +1: very few people understand that Leshrac is actually a good mid laner as he has lane control, harassing spells and a lot of ganking power; I wouldn't recommend going mid in serious matches, but it's really fun in pubs.

I think you should add the alternative item build that is more oriented towards teamfighting than pushing: I've seen some pro players going for the Q-E-E-Q-E-R-E-W-W-W-R-W-Q-Q-S-R-S build (not sure about the ultimate though, they might have skipped it). Basically, you take two points in Split Earth (you don't really have enough mana to throw a Diabolic Edict until level ~8) and then max out Lightning Storm which does huge damage and kinda helps when farming. Then you max your Diabolic Edict since it's too good not to be taken and finish levelling Split Earth: the stun duration is always the same at all levels, so you can leave it last - maybe even getting stats at 4 - because its mana increases by 35 points (and it really makes the difference when spamming your spells, especially Pulse Nova).
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