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Overall formatting and explanations are pretty decent.
When I play
But I think u shouldn't skip
out of position it can give u the kill. It's also a great for pushing and farming.
At lvl6 u got at least 600 mana. So when u join a teamfight with full mana u can use
With 4 seconds cooldown, this skill is amazing and much more reliable than diabolict edict.
I usually go the edict or lightning build.
↑ This exactly what a was thinking.
If yo go mid
Have you considered to get
Gratz in your first guide +1
With 4 seconds cooldown, this skill is amazing and much more reliable than diabolict edict.
I usually go the edict or lightning build.
There's an item I love getting as Lehsrac:
Overall, solid, I liked the item suggestion.
As far as your items go, I generally approve of the choices that you made. I may have to recommend two items for you to include, however. Though they can both be considered situational in nature, both Eul's Scepter of Divinity and Force Staff can provide Leshrac with much needed utility. Eul's is a cheap disable that can make it easier to land your stuns if you time yourself correctly. It also provides you with some decent regeneration, somewhat satiating Leshrac's constant hunger for mana. Force Staff can be considered valuable for the mobility and positioning that it gives Leshrac, not to mention the respectable regeneration.
Other than that, great guide. Also don't listen to the flamers they are only jealous of you because they want your money.