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11 Votes

Leshrac - Desolation Comes Silently

February 19, 2013 by Kangaroux
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Tkira | May 27, 2013 3:40pm
I randomed leshac and quikly went to this build, and it went well, but after the match i realised there were some things that could have been better.

Ward is not just a starting item, you should ALWAYS be warding,you can push the lane rly fast and them go roam.

You farm lotsa gold, so it isnt fair to let the other support get the hard support itens (like mekans)

At first glance you guide don't say "Rod OR Orchid's" so i went and bought both of them, and while that turned out well, there where better options.

I didnt test it, but if you can stun someone on the way down from the cyclone, and/or use it on youself after the edict, Euler is a MUST.

I'd also like to know who are leshac "enemies", heroes that are a good reason to not pick him.

good guide tho
Chickensoup | March 16, 2013 11:26am
1) lightning Storm has 2 advantages to it over Pulse Nova. a) it is more efficient for groups of creeps/heroes until level 16. b) it has a range advantage over pulse nova, which is important early on when you are one of the squishiest heroes in the game.

With lightning storm and Split earth you take down creep waves super fast, at least until you are level 16 when you can take them in 3 pulse novas. by waiting on it, you are actively making it more difficult to farm. lightning storm plus split earth kills off almost all the health of most stacked jungle camps as well.

Generally if you arent getting it by level 16 as well, you might as well get stats until levels 22-25 in all reality, since you wont be casting it at that point anyways.

2) Shadow Blade is passible on some chars that need the initiation (Kunkka) or an escape (Drow) but only because once they know you have it, you still gain a passive damage/attack speed bonus. on Leshrac, you shouldnt care about attack speed/+damage because your spells are so spammable and your limitations are your **** health gain and your mana regen. If you get this item in a mid-normal tiered game, it's almost instantly a 3000 gold 20% move speed escape mechanism that leaves you still squishy.

3) Desolator, yes it increases the damage from Diabolic Edict, but that doesnt mean you spend 4100 gold to increase the damage of one ability. the only way it would make sense is if you could take a tower from full health to completely down in one diabolic Edict with Desolator's debuff on the tower. If it still takes 2, why are you spending obscene amounts of gold on it?

In theory its a good item because of how it works with Edict, but it's just so much gold for one spell. it increases right click damage, which you shouldnt care about. it also doesnt cover his biggest weakness, survivability.

4) Orchid. Another gigantic money sink for little effect. this is a ganking item, and a ton of the item budget is spent on right click damage. 5000 gold is a bloodstone, which gives absolutely everything Leshrac is lacking (health and mana sustainability). Sure bloodstone doesnt have the super easy buildup, but it doesnt leave you with the gaping health hole that orchid will.

5) Those 3 items cost what 12125 gold? That is about Bloodstone, Drums, Mek, Pipe. a combo that you only get on the farming support char. that combo gives you plenty of health, plenty of mana, and all the extra pushing power you'd ever need, plus it helps the whole team at all parts of the game. You can even skip the bloodstone and go for a combo like euls/atos (costs a little more) and get similar health gain but gain a slow and disable.

I don't mean to trash the build, but it makes me wonder if you've ever played Leshrac in this manner, because it's possibly the least efficient (money wise) manner of playing him IMO. you spend so much gold on side benefits of items and dont plug the glaring weakness of the char in any manner but instead build him like you would natures prophet.
alexan1308 | March 5, 2013 2:08pm
Why not use diabolic edict while the enenmy is under banes nightmare, makes sure the damamge is dealt, besides you still have 4 seconds to chase and do off the aoe AoE damamge, mroe then 4 seconds and they mgiht be a little close to tower.

Also, here is my item build:

-build up for urn of shadows if you got a good ganker or disabler on your team. If not go for wand.

-boots of speed, being fast is key. Build it up to phase boots, makes it easier to harass/gank with your AoE since units blocking you will be a non-issue.If you find out that ganking is impossible because the ganker/disabler on team constantly lacks mana get arcane boots.

-Now if you find out that your often close to death or dying a lot go for force staff, always great for support heroes.

-Blood stone


By now you should own.
Sando (118) | February 27, 2013 6:29am
I think the decision to go stats or lightning storm after you've maxed Split Earth and Diabolic Edict depends on how your early game/farm has gone. If you've got the mana pool to support it, then get it, if not get stats instead.

The Shadow Blade is kind of an interesting idea - Leshrac needs 3 things to be truly effective: Speed, Mana and Health. You're a caster who works best at close range so you need to be able to run into the midst of the enemy team and survive, chase down heroes, etc. SB does give you a different retreat option, or to cast your abilities and then cloak up and run in. The decloak damage and right click are somewhat wasted though, and any decent team will start countering you with sentries, so not sure how this would play out.

Agree on Veil of Discord, I'd still prefer a Bloodstone but it's still a great item on him.
Affluenza | February 27, 2013 5:45am
I think you need to re-think the skills build you made...Pulse Nova flushes mana should be the last skill to be levelled.

Orchid and Rod of Atos are good items but on Leshrac Bloodstone is it's life and blood quite literally as once he has it he is free to do almost anything on the battlefield.

Early game you wanna get arcane boots and then disassemble them when you need the energy booster to make your bloodstone.

Leshrac core items should be; Urn, Bloodstone, Arcane/Phase/BoT, WARDS and TP's...

Veil of discord is an excellent recommendation though.
Kangaroux | February 20, 2013 9:36am
TenshiN wrote:

Looks nicely, argumented and absolutely viable. Will try it later today, i hope i won't feed as all those Leshrac players i see in my games :D

Here's your +1

It's definitely an interesting build. I'm still playing around with it, but I think it has some serious potential if used correctly.

Kangaroux | February 20, 2013 9:35am
harumage wrote:

Great guide! I think that veno and sand king are great laners, veno for great gank, sk for great push + gank

Indeed. Even a natures prophet works well if he's jungling. A good sprout is an easy setup for a Split Earth into a disabolic edict. Basically anyone who can disable enough for leshrac to position himself correctly is a great lane partner.

TenshiN (6) | February 19, 2013 11:45pm
Looks nicely, argumented and absolutely viable. Will try it later today, i hope i won't feed as all those Leshrac players i see in my games :D

Here's your +1
harumage (15) | February 19, 2013 10:38pm
Great guide! I think that veno and sand king are great laners, veno for great gank, sk for great push + gank
Kangaroux | February 19, 2013 8:01pm
magicmerl wrote:

L3 Pulse Nova still needs to be at L16.....

Had fixed that, forgot to save :/

magicmerl (6) | February 19, 2013 7:45pm
L3 Pulse Nova still needs to be at L16.....
Kangaroux | February 19, 2013 7:28pm
magicmerl wrote:

Have you republished the guide? Because you need to do that before we can see any updates you make.

Just republished, thanks.
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