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Leno's guide to pure and unadulterated Warlock annhilation

September 20, 2015 by Poor Leno
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UncleBadTouch | February 16, 2015 5:13pm
I think I'm just above 200 warlock matches now and maintaining 3500mmr wuthering this EXACT build is easy. I have so many matches where people flame me because I don't lvl fatal bonds till last but they stop complaining after I help secure a double or triple kill sometimes at lvl 3. It's simple with upheaval.

1. Wait till enemies push our past their tower
2. Cast the massive AoE BEHIND enemies blocking the path to their tower.
3. Watch your team tear them apart as they can't escape.

Of course watch out for characters who have natural blink abilities or jump abilities like Slark or QoP.

The cast range is the same distance as your ultimate which is not coincidence. It helps if you are not standing in the middle of the lane, hide in the trees and cast out of LoS. Think about the fact you may be stuck there for 15 seconds.

Pro Tip: cast it on the river rune at the beginning of the match 5 seconds before the rune spawns to guarantee rune for carry and get first blood because they try to walk right threw the slow allowing your team to kill the ensnared enemies.
Twisted Logic (2) | November 27, 2014 9:30am
Your guide desperately needs color and formatting.

For example, for explaining what NOT TO DO, what is recommended, clear links to items Aghanim's Scepter, skills Fatal Bonds and heroes Warlock you're talking about, etc...

Pictures and videos always help as well.
This is probably a good place to start.

Good luck.
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