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4 Votes

Leno's Drow

July 31, 2014 by Poor Leno
Comments: 4    |    Views: 14127    |   

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Timminatorr (57) | July 31, 2014 12:10pm
this guide is so bad i get the feeling it might be trolling......
Seagull (9) | July 31, 2014 8:39am
I agree with you that Drow should be played as a safe lane farmer. Some points though:

-The "shields" of the game (stout, PMS, Vanguard) are really suboptimal on ranged heroes as they get less damage block than melee heroes. I'd rather start with a Ring of Protection and upgrade to aquila.
-BKB is a must-have item. Drow is such a squishy hero and her positioning is crucial so stuns and slows screw you hard.
-I would maybe consider a Blink Dagger on her as she is so dependent of her positioning. It also is a much more reliable escape item than Shadow Blade.
-I would probably add Skadi in the late game items. Frost Arrows are blocked by magic immunity and kiting is your key to dealing huge damage, so a slow that goes through BKB is really nice. Also it give you good stats and makes you more beefy.
-Also, Butterfly is the ultimate agi hero luxury item, it gives you a lot of DPS and survivability against right clicks as long as they don't have MKB.

I quite like your choice of Phase Boots. It gives you more potential in kiting and you get massive agility (so also attack speed) with your ultimate.

Also I think Drow is not really an easy hero to play as positioning is so important on her, I think it's more that in the lower skill levels she doesn't get counter picked enough.

Here are my suggestions on the guide, but I think your off to a good start :)
jamesShajam (5) | July 31, 2014 8:16am
Vanguard is HORRIBLE ON ANY RANGED HERO. Please never get it on Drow.
Phase is stupid without some form off attack speed, such as mask of madness. You obviously want to build a tanky Drow Ranger From the vanguard and PMS, then why do you then build phase and maelstrom? I would think Treads and Sange and Yasha Also, for in lane sustain, build a simple Morbid Mask and it can be built into a Satanic Or MoM. I also think a Butterfly Should be in the late game item section.
Bunkansee (32) | July 31, 2014 7:39am
Good guide, I hate all the people saying about "nub l2p a better hero" about Drow and Sniper. Sure they're easy to play, but you have to have some easy heroes, otherwise where would the new players start? And as you said, she is really weak, but has a large damage output. Good guide anyway!
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