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11 Votes

Legion is a Commander

September 22, 2014 by DestructiveTendencies
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Khorwin (1) | October 6, 2014 7:39am
This guide is really funny because when it was ritten, crystalis was really a very bad item on legion. Because duel was mutting crit, dodge...
Since 6.82 duel does not mute anymore passive ability and after testing
I agree with this build he is good and armlet is no longer OP for legion.
300 crit damages at lvl 6/8 on everything is just amasing.
Check last 6.82 patch for legion and you will see the nerf/up of the duel (if the other
are able to crit and dodge during duel you could do it too).
Tigerre (4) | September 23, 2014 4:27am
Love that line at the end of the guide about how Legion Commander can even out-lane a Pudge, which is all well and good, but Pudge is also possibly the worst mid at winning his lane. Think about a Sniper ****ing one up without needing to use a single Tango charge :P (Go lane Anti-Mage against Pudge and level Mana Break at lvl 1 and just hit him a couple of times when he goes to last hit, trust me, works a charm :P)

AAAAANNNNNNYYYYYYWWWWWAAAAAAAYYYYYYSSSS, enough about Pudge and how **** he is in lane.

Starting off with only a Quelling Blade? That'll lose you a lane or 106, any competent player will beat someone who starts without regen items (The two heroes that I haven't counted in the 106 lanes are Legion Commander {Obviously, as you're playing her...} and Pudge, who's just **** in lane anyway {Unless you're Dendi, in which case **** Pudge being weak in lane}). You should at least start off with a Tango stack or, if your team mates are competent, a couple of Tango (Shared) given to you so you can at least survive in your lane.

I agree with almost everything else in this build, except I hate Power Treads on Legion Commander, you need some damage until you have a lot of Duel wins. So that's why Phase Boots are a bit better, though that's just personal preference, same as the Power Treads vs Phase Boots for Nature's Prophet (I am with Power Treads, as they are hands down the best boots for Nature's Prophet :P)
Zeth_Foherein | August 9, 2014 11:37am
Forgeting ure build (what i donnt like) u should add tah LC is awesome against PA once Duel disables Crits na Evasion.
Rudd (3) | August 9, 2014 10:54am
Sorry, I stopped reading when you said to go mid with nothing but a queling blade.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 6, 2014 1:38pm
What's the point of linking to an article if you don't read it?

Legion Commander - Duel
Duration: 4/4.75/5.5
Mutes both the caster and the target.

If you actually read the list in the link you would see that Crystalys is in the list of "item abilities disabled by mute" but Moment of Courage isn't - *most* lifesteal is disabled by mute but moment of courage is an exception.
DzikaPanda (16) | August 6, 2014 1:37pm

Remember, she is the one doing the muting. The only thing Legion is muted on is CASTING abilities and items.

Ok, well for one, if she is muted, her passive wouldn't go, it does, it also lifesteals still. Critical does proc in duel because I play her all the time and I know it does. Secondly, she's not really muting herself, she mutes her duel target, so that neither can CAST ABILITIES. That is all. If a legion duels you, you cant cast. Its an active ability, so its active on them, not yourself, apart from CASTING spells and items. Her passives are not affected, critical and MOC included.

Example, you duel Abaddon. His ulti is passive but also can be activated himself. But he cant activate it in duel himself because he is muted by the duel, BUT, if I take his life below the threshold, I can guarantee his ulti will PASSIVELY activate.

Crit does NOT work under duel - test it on lobby (I just did that, killed lvl 25 wraith king 2 times under ulti and 0 crit, first hit without duel and instant crit).
DestructiveTendencies | August 6, 2014 1:23pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

Extract from:

Mutes are almost identical to silences, except they will also prevent the use of item abilities. Like silences, they will interrupt cast animations and channeling, but while silences will only interrupt channeled abilities, mutes will interrupt those from items as well.

Being muted will disable certain passive item and hero abilities and cancels the effects of some active ones. These include, but are not limited to:

- Critical Strike
- Cleave
- Bash
- Evasion
- Autocast Unique Attack Modifiers as well as many passive one
- Most sources of Lifesteal

Beside any kind of Hex, there are two sources of mute in Dota 2:

- Doom bringer - Doom

- Legion Commander - Duel

I'm fine if you don't like armlet and if you want an alternative. If you want to grab an early Hyperstone, rush a Desolator or whatever instead of armlet I can't say that it's bad, I mean why the hell not. But Crystalys gets clearly disabled by Duel so it just doesn't work.

Remember, she is the one doing the muting. The only thing Legion is muted on is CASTING abilities and items.

Ok, well for one, if she is muted, her passive wouldn't go, it does, it also lifesteals still. Critical does proc in duel because I play her all the time and I know it does. Secondly, she's not really muting herself, she mutes her duel target, so that neither can CAST ABILITIES. That is all. If a legion duels you, you cant cast. Its an active ability, so its active on them, not yourself, apart from CASTING spells and items. Her passives are not affected, critical and MOC included.

Example, you duel Abaddon. His ulti is passive but also can be activated himself. But he cant activate it in duel himself because he is muted by the duel, BUT, if I take his life below the threshold, I can guarantee his ulti will PASSIVELY activate.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 6, 2014 12:58pm

Ok, well firstly what your not understanding, is crit is not disabled during duel, none whatsoever.

Extract from:

Mutes are almost identical to silences, except they will also prevent the use of item abilities. Like silences, they will interrupt cast animations and channeling, but while silences will only interrupt channeled abilities, mutes will interrupt those from items as well.

Being muted will disable certain passive item and hero abilities and cancels the effects of some active ones. These include, but are not limited to:

- Critical Strike
- Cleave
- Bash
- Evasion
- Autocast Unique Attack Modifiers as well as many passive ones
- Most sources of Lifesteal

Beside any kind of Hex, there are two sources of mute in Dota 2:

- Doom bringer - Doom

- Legion Commander - Duel

I'm fine if you don't like armlet and if you want an alternative. If you want to grab an early Hyperstone, rush a Desolator or whatever instead of armlet I can't say that it's bad, I mean why the hell not. But Crystalys gets clearly disabled by Duel so it just doesn't work.
DestructiveTendencies | August 6, 2014 10:31am
Hamstertamer wrote:

Crits are disabled during Duel. So Crystalys/ Daedalus are not optimal items for LC, except as very late game items. What LC needs early game is enough burst damage to actually finish Duels, that's why people get Armlet of Mordiggian, because it's the most cost-efficient damage item for strength heroes. And trust me, it's coming from someone who really hates armlet and who goes manta-skadi on chaos knight : Armlet is the best early game item for LC :)
Evasion is also disabled during Duel so Butterfly doesn't sound like it would work either.

Ok, well firstly what your not understanding, is crit is not disabled during duel, none whatsoever. And you state you need enough early game burst damage. Well firstly, you can get cryst before arm, so you going in with 3 duels worth already, and your crit is burst damage. And im taking butterfly out, I agree, probably built it once and it was literally last item.

Again your stating about the armlet. it does work. Im offering a different route, one that's harder, can backfire, but ultimately is devastating. And I can gaurentee, most will probably struggle to play crystalis, but those who are decent dota players, will understand if they grind it out.
The amazing A.K.A stupid | August 5, 2014 8:34pm
I agree with the people, armlet is a really great option first item and an. early blink in my opinion is useless because by this time your duel is only 4 seconds witch means that at this point you must use it to lasthit low health opponents or if you have allies nearby and you have a secured kill. And I suggest 1 point of moment of courage in 4 because this is Really useful.
In my opinion I would also point only 1 point in press the attack and max out overwhelming odds because the extra attack speed is good yes, but then I dont think it would be really useful because the harrasing potential of overwhelming odds will help when you reach 6 so that you can easily duel them since they have low or half hp. The speed from overwhelming odds helps alot too since and nobody wants to face an lc 1 vs 1 since the hards carries like void will be weak for now and the only way to 1 vs 1 is by dueling. I also agree with the blademail since heroes like faceless void and ursa warrior eill be destroying themselves.

Other than that good guide and explanation. Really detailed and I see most
legions duelling the carry instead of the support and etc. everything you explained there.

And perhaps a linkens sphere as situational so you cant be interuptred in duels?
Hamstertamer (89) | August 4, 2014 11:37pm
Crits are disabled during Duel. So Crystalys/ Daedalus are not optimal items for LC, except as very late game items. What LC needs early game is enough burst damage to actually finish Duels, that's why people get Armlet of Mordiggian, because it's the most cost-efficient damage item for strength heroes. And trust me, it's coming from someone who really hates armlet and who goes manta-skadi on chaos knight : Armlet is the best early game item for LC :)
Evasion is also disabled during Duel so Butterfly doesn't sound like it would work either.
Timminatorr (57) | August 4, 2014 2:20pm
The crit first is pretty useless, especially compared to a blink and since you get it really early in this build the crits will be really low. If you want/need early damage get an armlet.
Early game duel is there for lockdown, not just for complete solo kills.
So if you go for crit get it after blink BKB maybe even AC.
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