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3 Votes

Legion Commander Lane/Mid Build

July 15, 2014 by jdambro1284
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jdambro1284 | July 17, 2014 7:26pm
thanks a lot for the feedback those sites are great! tough to find the time to be able to learn everything about making guides with work and life. Ill learn and update as I get more comfortable with all the mechanics and different things I can do...I really appreciate the help.
Kyotosomo (1) | July 16, 2014 8:49pm

Please read this it will help you a lot and make your guide a lot more appealing. It's a fine guide, but hurts my eyes. Please fix it up that way more people will be able to read through the whole thing and upvote it. Probably the most important thing for you to do would be adding pretty pictures, colors, and for items and skills putting their name in between brackets like this (Insert Item/Skill/Hero Name). It end up looking like this Broodmother. Hope this helps!
SoloBrow | July 16, 2014 6:06am
Hey man I think this could really help you out.

this link is to the formatting page and lets you see how to format and stuff.
jdambro1284 | July 15, 2014 4:34pm
To yasutsuna:

I don't believe that not leveling up Moment if going mid is worth it. When you do the first duel around lvl 6 or 7 you want to try and be in a creep wave and try to get Moment to proc as much as possible. I don't care if your mid or in a side lane, one lvl in Moment WILL add more dmg to your early duels. I also said that lvl 7 skill is a decision you need to make depending how the game is going. If you need more dmg on your nuke to make that duel easier then put it in your Q. If your nuke is doing enough dmg for your early duels, then throw it in W for more attack speed and HP regen. I also know that mid is about controlling runes and I do agree a bottle is better if going mid then soul ring to control runes. I need to correct that.
Now I never said to rush deso. Theres like 5 or 6 items I get before a Deso so I wouldn't consider that rushing. I said that I go hyperstone before either Deso or AC. Depending on what my team would benefit more from. Armlet is a viable choice but I have had A LOT more success with this build. Getting the hyperstone gives you the attack speed needed so I don't know why you said anything about not having enough attack speed.
Illumination0110 (2) | July 6, 2014 10:27pm
6 months and you're confident enough to make a guide ? I'm impressed.
Just learn how to format the guide, add more sections, use images, etc ... then it will be better to read.
Yasutsuna (51) | July 6, 2014 7:13pm
While the lack of paragraphs makes it really hard to read, I won't really bother much about that.

Now, about your skill build,it seems to be quite jumbles up. Frankly, if you're going the mid lane, you shouldn't even level up Moment of Courage as it needs you to be attacked to be proc. As long as mid-laning goes, 80% of the time, you'll be laning against a ranged hero who normally have nukes whatsoever, so you should not spent a point into Moment of Courage until you max Overwhelming Odds and Press the Attack.

Also, you do realize the point of going mid is to control the runes so you can get early dominance. If you don't plan on controlling the runes, it's pointless going mid and you should let others do it instead.

Another thing is the Armlet of Mordiggian. People often gets it for Legion Commander because it allows her to attack faster and offers survivalbility and a boost of STR to be used for extra damage and health and survive spells that would otherwise kill you when you're going back to fountain. Rushing Desolator doesn't work since you will lack the attack speed to kill your opponent fast enough. So, unless you plan on not ganking alone, you will need Armlet of Mordiggian.

Another is, if possible, please refrain from using short forms like BKB, HH and HoT or so. While experienced players under what it is, you realize you are writing a guide where fresh players will have no idea what is 'HH' and so.
jdambro1284 | July 6, 2014 4:36pm
hey thanks a lot for the info. Just started playing Dota in January and this is obviously my first guide. I'm not too sure how to add color and stuff but I definitely want to refine it and appreciate your feedback. Thanks a lot.
Bunkansee (32) | July 6, 2014 12:03pm
Good guide. Might want to add some colours and picture. Maybe split up the text instead of having walls of words.

Other than that you might want to add a tactics section or a pro and cons section.

+1 good guide.
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