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you do know that Meepo gets his ult at lvl 3/10/17 right????
You do know that this guide was made 2013
4 Ethereal blades, really?!?!
4 ethereal blades are shown, but only 2 exist. You gain the two during the 'transitioning' phase and keep them until the end of the game because they are CORE to the build and in making Meepo viable late-game where he becomes an autoattack powerhouse that puts out upwards of 1200 damage per attack animation cycle of all 5 Meepo.
Also, the active ability can be useful if you manage to catch someone alone on low health. Granted they share a cooldown, and you don't want your Prime getting caught ethereal by the enemy team where he's 40% more vulnerable.
4 Ethereal blades, really?!?!
...He only recommends 2. Please read the build's subtitles.