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2 Votes

Lanaya, Protector of the Temple

September 14, 2012 by b0gz
Comments: 4    |    Views: 8844    |   

Mid lane build

DotA2 Hero: Templar Assassin

Hero Skills

Third Eye (Innate)


2 4 5 7


3 8 9 10

Psi Blades

1 11 12 13

Psionic Trap



14 15 16 17 18

Lanaya, Protector of the Temple

September 14, 2012

Pros + cons

-She is a very good harasser due to her passive if you can land it right
-has abilities that deal high damage
-Very good at ganking due to Psionic traps
-Psionic traps can act as wards for runes or incoming enemies

-Is a squishy like hero early game
-Is item dependent on how you build her
-Is bad against heroes with AoE abilities ( Pudge rot )

Heroes that Lanaya is horrible against early game:
Pudge; That hook and rot is like death calling out to Lanaya
Invoker: With his range of abilities, who isn't?

Purchase order

I have chosen these items as this is my usual build, The reason why I have chosen bottle is due to the fact that Lanaya is a good harasser at the start due to her passive if you can land it right, and thanks to this you'll barely every be damaged by enemy attacks but if you do, you have bottle! Hurray!, and my Lanaya build is dependent on runes so it's good to have a bottle, so you can store them and save them for that right moment! It's best to go mid lane with this build as Lanaya is a good solo laner in my opinion, which means you should be able to farm pretty well if your not vs'ing a range harasser like Sniper
In the first 20 minutes, I usually have farmed enough to purchase a Pair of Phase boots, Blink dagger and Mithril, The reason I always get phase boots over treads as it gives you that extra damage you need and it's active is good in chasing down enemies and with blink dagger, all will come to fear Lanaya!, and the reason I purchased Mithril Hammer is well, all Lanaya players know that you build Mithrils into Desolator.
By mid game, you should at least have a desolator and Hyperstone, and hopefully you have farmed enough to purchase Crystalys, the reason you MUST get a Crystalys is due to it's awesome crit passive, because Lanayas basic attack damage + 24(Phase), 60(Desolator) + 35(Crystalus) + 80(Refraction), You shall be feared I say! But usually I refraction for that Extra 200 damage and if it's a crit, well then. gg
Usually by late game, you will be farmed enough to have a Manta, Daedalus, and Sacred,With a Mjollnir in there too, but if you ever get this fair, well then, that must be an intense match!, The reason for manta is thanks to Daedulus, your illusions will deal alot more damage to enemy heroes, making you a force to be reckoned with.
I almost never get up to there, but if I do well I always get a radiance for the fun of it and if your being chased and meld with the enemy waiting there, for you to pounce, well radiance burn will slowly kill the enemy, and when you think you have a chance at killing them, attack then meld again! then finish the kill!

Skill selection

I have chosen these skills as fundamentally, Psi Blades is useless which is why I only get Level 1 (due to it's passive, I consider it compulsory to get this first), then after that I max out Refraction first, (as the extra damage and damage block will surely help), The reason why I max this out first is due to the fact that it gives alot of extra damage, and can save you when your low on HP, Then after that I max out her Meld, mainly because it gives so much extra damage, always get her ulti at level 6 (just saying, even though you probably already know this), then you don't really need to level it up because it just increases the amount of traps you can set,

If you are in mid lane, if you want to kill them it would be good to them push so they can't get away when you use your Psionic trap burst, which slows them down sufficiently so you can blink in and chase them down and land a killing blow. Though if your vs;ing a blinker such as Queen of Pain, Anti-mage then I don't recommend using this tactic.
In the first 15-20 minutes, Refraction and Meld come in handy for giving high damage, as level 4 Refraction gives (80+ damage) for 6 attacks, and meld gives you (200+ damage) if you attack an enemy opponent, and due to Meld having a low cooldown it would be good to meld then attack then meld again, which obliterates an enemy heroes hp ( you won't believe how fast! ) And with Blink dagger, Meld can also save you from those tricky situations, like if you can get the timing right, you can save yourself from that pesky Sniper's ulti.
Templar is really good at handling squishy heroes like sniper though, so you should have no problem with your passive after all.

And that's mostly it, thanks for looking at my first build. :3 :D!

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