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67 Votes

KUNKKA, how to not be a fail boat

February 2, 2012 by Booyah
Comments: 33    |    Views: 382647    |   

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Duster | April 22, 2014 8:49am
Treads over phase boots? Vanguard or helm of the dominator instead of early blink, or shadowblade? No armlet?
Just disgusting
johnnycu95 | January 17, 2014 11:07pm
Vanguard and Lifesteal on kunkka is just ridiculous.
here is a better guide.
Ritalynn | August 6, 2013 1:15pm
I'm usually soloing with Kun oh my gawd, if i have a lane partner... they just can't do anything lol. I love his cleave. And the range is just... ahhH!!! I get so excited when I play him.
mrstache | April 22, 2013 5:12pm
It was good but i think u could level x marks the spot 1 more time before levelling stats
True Venom | March 9, 2013 2:35am
actually my combo for kunkka is x marks the spot then lay ur torrent on the x,then make enemy go back on the x and use ulti.
strifer | February 15, 2013 3:48pm
yaa, thanks. havent read it, but skill-build and item-build is very well. i was nearly always ruling with that.
Raylord (3) | February 4, 2013 6:01pm
Very, very good.
nebulon | February 3, 2013 12:52am
According to "low intel gain" I miss here some mana regen item. I'd recommend Battlefury instead of Daedalus.
Zefie | January 25, 2013 7:31am
No Bear No wrote:

pretty cool, but when you are using daedalus and crystalis, dont you want more attack speed? Thats why I would skip HotD and buy hyperstone. Usually the 6HP regen from vanguard keeps me afloat. If you get harrassed too much then the Vanguard obviously wont be enough and then ill grab either Morbid Mask, or if im really rich I will buy reaver and the HoT recipe, and then sell my vanguard for like 1,112 or whatever they give you and buy vitality booster

Attack Speed is a worthless stat on Kunkka. You exist for Tidebringer.
No Bear No | January 1, 2013 6:05pm
pretty cool, but when you are using daedalus and crystalis, dont you want more attack speed? Thats why I would skip HotD and buy hyperstone. Usually the 6HP regen from vanguard keeps me afloat. If you get harrassed too much then the Vanguard obviously wont be enough and then ill grab either Morbid Mask, or if im really rich I will buy reaver and the HoT recipe, and then sell my vanguard for like 1,112 or whatever they give you and buy vitality booster
MysteryPerson | November 14, 2012 7:42am
Where is battle fury and heart of tarrasque?
Zefie | November 3, 2012 8:24am
Dear OP: The reason Kunkka has "Slow MS" is because you put the Shadow Blade under lategame.

You also tell people to get HoD but not for the ability to stack ancients, but because you'll be tankier. On a hit and run hero.

Are you even trying.
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