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Krobelus the Death Prophet

October 2, 2012 by HugiN
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wilddeonpwn (102) | October 3, 2012 3:35am

Another wildeonpwn alt account appears.

******, don't go assuming ******** like this, it'll get you nowhere. That is not my account. Herp, how do we know your not my alt account too? *******, think before you type something.
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 2, 2012 3:57pm
Yes get Arcane, then disassemble into blood, the you cancer gut phase.
HugiN | October 2, 2012 12:26pm
DirtGrub wrote:

The shadow blade is a nice thought for popping your ulty and then basically asentee killing the entire team in a team fight or pushing a tower. Thing is it only works once, against competent people i should mention. I played a DP not too long ago who tried this. We got her so many times just because we bought sentry wards. In the case of sentry wards I think phase boots would be the best option to get away. Good job m8

You practically agreed on everything I wrote :)
As mentioned, this is considered for public games. Even if wards are bought, even gem, its still viable to use in team fights and in general. Versus Gondar I might reconsider for example. I then find myself loving sheeping.
Ty for feedback!
DirtGrub (13) | October 2, 2012 11:54am
The shadow blade is a nice thought for popping your ulty and then basically asentee killing the entire team in a team fight or pushing a tower. Thing is it only works once, against competent people i should mention. I played a DP not too long ago who tried this. We got her so many times just because we bought sentry wards. In the case of sentry wards I think phase boots would be the best option to get away. Good job m8
HugiN | October 2, 2012 11:35am
jaslam wrote:

DP should really have an aghanims.. when will icefrog make one!!

I've also seen DP get max witchcraft for level 7 - and have 1st skill at level 2. the theory is a stronger ulti, 4 second cd on your first skill compared to 6 - 175 dmg, with enough time to use it twice, means sure farm (2 uses on creeps waves basically, 350 dmg, 210 mana spent!) - and it will only cost 105 mana to use. excellent lane control skill spam - + the MS bonus ;) as her early game MS is awful..

Sounds like a great playstyle and idea! Will definetly be trying it.
HugiN | October 2, 2012 11:33am
Hades4u wrote:

You can always dissemble Arcane Boots into other boots and Energy Booster for the Bloodstone.

A good option in some cases no doubt. But my personal preference and experience is that the movement speed is great for survival and ganks late early game, aswell as usage of ulti.
Hades4u (296) | October 2, 2012 11:19am
HugiN wrote:

I agree that it can be viable. But more often than not, someone else on your team will have it. Also, as you say, Arcane boots are only truly useful early game, and Krob will most likely be doing some running back and forth. When bloodstone is up mana is simply not a problem. Besides i cannot stress enough how many times Phasing out has saved me and then gotten me a kill.
AGAIN: Mainly for pub games :)
Thx for comment.

You can always dissemble Arcane Boots into other boots and Energy Booster for the Bloodstone.
jaslam (21) | October 2, 2012 8:08am
DP should really have an aghanims.. when will icefrog make one!!

you might want to mention that you will have a bottle for rune whoring - also allowing you to not need arcane boots!
build is spot on in general based on DP play style - my only suggestion would be to get max Witchcraft by level 10, because you get the extra soul for utli, and 1 sec faster cd on 1st skill!

I've also seen DP get max witchcraft for level 7 - and have 1st skill at level 2. the theory is a stronger ulti, 4 second cd on your first skill compared to 6 - 175 dmg, with enough time to use it twice, means sure farm (2 uses on creeps waves basically, 350 dmg, 210 mana spent!) - and it will only cost 105 mana to use. excellent lane control skill spam - + the MS bonus ;) as her early game MS is awful..
HugiN | October 2, 2012 7:47am
I agree that it can be viable. But more often than not, someone else on your team will have it. Also, as you say, Arcane boots are only truly useful early game, and Krob will most likely be doing some running back and forth. When bloodstone is up mana is simply not a problem. Besides i cannot stress enough how many times Phasing out has saved me and then gotten me a kill.
AGAIN: Mainly for pub games :)
Thx for comment.
Hades4u (296) | October 2, 2012 7:35am
Consider adding Arcane Boots for early, since you can use it to spam Locust Swarm and dominate the lanes.
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