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Kitty Purry's Crystal Maiden Item Build

August 20, 2016 by kittypurrycm
Comments: 9    |    Views: 11234    |   

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ChiChi (47) | August 22, 2016 5:00am
Hey Kitty! If you want to have a larger talk about CM or any sort of help starting it would be my pleasure. I do some coaching and I love CM, I'm sittting now at more than 400 games with her and making a video guide for her, so hopefully I can bring some input to your questions:) send me a PM please so I can add you on steam tonight, I'm at work now so I don't know my friend's id.

Thanks Michi for going in ahead and doing long and clear explanations on the subject! As you can see by what he said a lot of times your build depends on your particular playstyle and what works better for you, besides the particulars of the game in question.

kittypurrycm | August 22, 2016 8:03pm
Hi ChiChi, it's a little funny I'm getting a response from you after I completely changed my in game item build based on your guide. As of right now I don't have many questions I'm just playing and practicing. Yes I'll send you a PM, that would be cool.
michimatsch (26) | August 21, 2016 4:52am
Renounce Darkness!
Shadow Blade, Bloodstone, Shiva's Guard and Octarine Core are items to be bought by other positions.
I know that they might seem like a strong addition to your hero but by the time you get them they will be useless and you won't have anything else because you are a support.
It's almost the same with Aghanim's Scepter can seldomly bought because you would need to snowball really hard to get that much money for Cm.
Also with your build you are turning CM into a Creep with a really ****py auto attack :D.
You only got one level into Frostbite and now Crystal Nova therefore your killing and zoning potential is close to 0.
Just some food for thought here. Everyone can play dota as he wishes
kittypurrycm | August 21, 2016 6:29am
Thanks for responding, those are points I would have never have thought of myself. Are there any other guides or builds you could recommend? I'm 500 MMR and I'm trying to learn how to play Crystal Maiden.

Edit: "you would need to snowball really hard" Informative pun. a lot of the builds I see tell you to buy this item in the late game, I wouldn't have thought of this to be luxury.
michimatsch (26) | August 21, 2016 9:02am
You almost always want mobility for Crystal Maiden at some point in the game so see Blink Dagger/ Force Staff as your core. Which one is better is really hard to say.
Every support player on this forum probably can remember countless of discussions we had about this issue...anyways I am getting sidetracked.
People usually max out Crystal Nova nowadays with one poin in Forsbite and one in Arcane Aura. I prefer maxing Frostbite but that really changes every single game.
If you want to look at a good guide you can take a look at ChiChi's Cm guide:
If you have further question feel free to ask them in the new player part, ask our mod Hades for an invite to our discord server or pm me.
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