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5 Votes

Killing Roshan Level 1

September 15, 2012 by vlladonx
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Sando (118) | May 27, 2013 3:56pm
Add in Enigma and Beastmaster - summon Hawk, and then convert it into Eidilons - massive extra damage for that early finish.
SSAANNZZ | May 27, 2013 3:53pm
I just tried this, Ursa and SK with items in the description, plus another one picked lich with ice armor. Just attack once with SK (fall back) let ursa tank it all the way, and spam ice armor w/lich. Ursa he will stay half hp forever until roshan is dead. Nice guide!
Tried with Dota 2 May/2013 version.
jaslam (21) | September 19, 2012 3:47am
chen enchant can't do it because there are no neutral creeps until 00:30, by then the laning phase has started, and you will gap!!
Ursa, is good for the swipes, obv.. however Lich is an excellent hero to do it with thanks to his armor. it will really slow rosh down.. Stack that with another slow from veno, viper, trax whatever and a OOV - sylabear's bear could easily tank rosh with a shield and some salves.

the main challenge is speed - which is why ursa is so good, rosh goes down quickly!!
OmniBoy | September 19, 2012 3:23am
Glayde wrote:

Technically, you can level 1 rosh with anybody with Ursa, but your method is pretty good. The Syllabear choice isn't bad either. What about Chen/Enchantress, or even Furion?

Lol, the reason you pick skele king is for his vampiric aura, if you don't know what it does it is basically a free vlads. Without that ursa, chen enchantress or whatever will die in seconds.
Sefi (3) | September 18, 2012 11:56am
it is funny seeing people insta-pick Ursa and SK. Right away you're like welp, I wonder what they're doing...and sure enough there they are. So many games of killing half-dead Ursa and SK and having them ragequit.

I would personally approve more of a guide that covers more possibilities. The Ursa/SK combo has been elaborated on numerous times, but it is perfectly possible to lvl 1 Roshan with other heroes.

Also, I don't think it's too troublesome for one or two of your teammates to stand guard outside Rosh, especially if you're doing it before the game actually starts. Better than sitting in the pit blindly and hoping no one thinks to check. At least your buddies can help you get out of there.
Wulfstan (77) | September 18, 2012 8:24am
I thought there will be 5 man explanations not just Ursa+SK.

like: Lone Druid+ Beastmaster+ Lich+Skeleton King+ Venomancer.

This actually looks like a solid team pickup not one that has 2 carries picked(SK ursa)and you are unfortunate enough to get another carry on the team,then just getting raped in the rosh pit,
Glayde (13) | September 16, 2012 10:22pm
Technically, you can level 1 rosh with anybody with Ursa, but your method is pretty good. The Syllabear choice isn't bad either. What about Chen/Enchantress, or even Furion?
Blitxxen (7) | September 16, 2012 5:00am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

I mean I tried this way before this guide was made :D

Yeah, besides, everybody except for new people already know about Ursa + SK combo for Roshan lvl 1, its kind of hard to go on just like that without expecting that someone arrives to **** all over your healing and make you loose the fury swap stacks besides of First blood + Double Kill.
Last time I did that both Ursa and SK rage quited, they tried to do Roshan lvl 1 twice, I killed them with Venomancer twice, it was so funny.
vlladonx (2) | September 15, 2012 7:18pm
ty :)
wilddeonpwn (102) | September 15, 2012 4:23pm
But the bear will die very quickly, then the heroes will be left to feed on. I tried this a while a go it's great! So fast and we easily win the game
SNSDLive | September 15, 2012 3:32pm
how about syllabear? his bear's super tanky.
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