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53 Votes

Keeper Of The Light- Not to be confused with Gandalf

August 29, 2012 by SnakeBitez
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dingoembryo | January 27, 2015 6:32pm
Wulfstan wrote:

One question is all I have:When Eza kills Doom does he say:You shall not pass?Or its when it kills Visage?I know I saw it on one of them.

It's when sage kills gandalf
Superloop21 | September 12, 2014 9:59pm
KOTL ult is now upgradeable. It give permanent spirit form, unobstructed vision on day and his q heal allies for 75% of it damage. I think you should add this to your build. :)
ljcmendoza | August 15, 2014 9:16am
Ezalor usually has synergies with Mana dependent heroes and nukers/ slows.

He also has a synergy with anti-mage. His Mana leak can help anti-mage with the stun and absence of Mana of the target.
Naughty Dragon | April 8, 2014 7:26pm
Wow! I've read your Guide, and it's really good! Great job! :)

Oh also, since Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light is really squishy hero, so he's seriously easily killed, especially when fight against invisible heroes (like Riki, Bounty Hunter, Clinkz) and fast heroes (like Faceless Void, Slark). Once I face these annoying heroes, I often buy Shadow Amulet, then go Shadow Blade ASAP to avoid death. After that, I buy Gems and some wards to share visions to teams. I found this method quite effective against these tough heroes.

Well, that's all~ I just suggest it, I just hope this can be helpful sometimes. Peace~ <3
Marazhu | January 19, 2014 12:40pm
I play Keeper of the Light 50% of time. I love playing support and KoTLK always fits that role perfectly. yes he is squishy and most often a favorite prey of enemy heroes. My Survivability is often attributed by wards, lots of wards. It's pricey but we all know KoTLK can never have problems with Mana and Money
rabbit_habit | January 14, 2014 1:47am
awesome guide - the skill build is really sensible. KotL is such a great but misunderstood hero :D
erasmusguy | December 25, 2013 5:27am
Hmm I think the clarity is a no no. Its not needed. Just don't spam Illuminate so much at the start :P Also I think you should pick Illuminate as your first skill then Chakra and continue to max them both getting the ultimate at 6. Other than those really small points I like your guide:P
lukson987 (5) | May 8, 2013 9:40am
Why do you get mad about this early chakra and clarities. As an ezalor I always go as a full support, buy wards, courier, stack/pull and etc.. I am mostly laning with a carry like pl,luna,bh and giving them ability to farm and harass is really effective. and I dont really spam illuminate. I only use this to harass and try it not to hit the creeps not to steal farm from the carry and not to push the lane to the enemy tower. This style has been very effective for me.
maybe you shouldn't put so many points to chakra. generally I put 2 points before at start and then max it at 7-8.
maybe you'd put a ghost scepter in situationals as lately you're squishy as hell.
VinzRak. | February 20, 2013 10:38am
InvaderZi | February 15, 2013 4:50pm
I really find someone who agree with me that clarity for keeper isnt waste... It can be used to heal your mana while you use chackra on your lane partiner can be more benefical (like earthshaker)
InvaderZi | February 15, 2013 4:45pm
PrinceSitri wrote:

I just started playing him, the first was a win and the second a loss. But despite the loss my kills are higher than my deaths so I guess I was doing something right. After obtaining my boots though I rushed a Shadowblade as an escape mechanism. It is very useful because you can charge Illuminate and activate it, some of my enemies goes near the creeps without realizing i was charging Illuminate there haha. Then I went Meka. Mana Leak is very good when you are being chased by a single hero. Lol I also use a Shadow Amulet instead of the blade because sometimes it is more useful since it has no cooldown so I just channel then activate it and the horses comes out of no where lol

I dont see why keeper would need shadow blade, force staff is better if you still want to escape and have some good stats within
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