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7 Votes

Keeper of the Light 101

May 17, 2013 by Kotl
Comments: 11    |    Views: 51890    |   

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Hogmos1998 | August 9, 2013 9:50pm
Nice Guide!
Bout it would be even better if you give the links to the abilities.
Kotl | April 10, 2013 9:14pm
I made a previous guide where I went over item/skill builds, but I'm currently in the process of re-doing all that, since Keeper's nerfs really change how I build his skills a lot. I'll put a section in this guide for my new skill build once I figure out a more efficient build to work around his nerfs.

It's usually a waste of mana to use illuminate to stack from levels 1-4, since it's better put to use to quickly farm as much creeps in lane as possible and push it back before the time to stack again.

In regards to pull warding. A tough lane duo can really turtle against you hardcore by constantly pulling while zoning you out at the same time. It's imperative you ward the pull if you wish to play as aggressively as possible.
fredchen777 | April 9, 2013 6:22am
InvaderZi wrote:

Nice guide, but i think warding creep camps is only usefull if there are junglers on enemy team, if not is a waste of money

This is partially wrong.

Normally, the enemy supports will pull one medium camp into the lane to deny XP and gold to the hardlaners.

About this guide: Well written, i really like your usage of images, and your description of blast spots and such. But you should add item & skill builds at the top, as a quick reference. And maybe you should add the creep stacking as KotL mid on Radiant, since just farming a single easy camp is not worth it. With the newly added aggro without range restriction you can even blast and pull in the same time, so timing is crucial (you want to aggro them at :53, so start blast at :51/:50/:49/:48).
InvaderZi | February 15, 2013 4:33pm
Nice guide, but i think warding creep camps is only usefull if there are junglers on enemy team, if not is a waste of money
ghOstGROBI | February 4, 2013 5:18am
Thanks, great guide ! Top
Kotl | January 27, 2013 8:01pm
I simply put the image of the ward in the camp on the images so people get a better idea of the key area that needs warded. True, you could put them outside the camp, but it's not really a big deal tbh, since you'll either have the rune warded or the forest area to see anybody that may gank.
Binat | January 26, 2013 12:45am
Hei I like your guide much. But there is one question why do you place the anti-camp-wards into the camps? You are going into 2 great disadvantage. 1st you have no sight on anything helpfull 2nd those are very easy to spot. Just put them pretty close behind the woods. There are just 1 or 2 tree you can put it behind but with them you can also block AND have sight on things you may get ganked from. I would at least show both options ;)

But nice spotshow on image either
Kotl | January 22, 2013 12:18am
I should have been more clear about the cooldown chakra part. I meant the added cooldown as a tongue-in-cheek way of being annoyed by the higher mana cost.

There were a number of crevices between cliffs and ramps in dota 1 that you could push people into with blind and get them stuck (I haven't tested them in this game). Blinding on a cliff isn't very reliable but can be done, yes.
PoNySoNg | January 21, 2013 9:46pm
Chakra Magic's cooldown goes down every rank by 1 second not increased, the fog of war part was nice since it is pretty accurate in the spots keeper usually charge up in though the deeper parts are a bit riskier if you get caught. Also note that blind can push enemies onto cliffs :)
magicmerl (6) | January 21, 2013 3:08pm
Thanks! Great guide.
magicmerl (6) | January 21, 2013 12:23pm
I want to like this guide. Would it be possible for you to put links to the skills in when you refer to them? Like [[...

Also, can you please explain in more detail how to use waypoint commands? A video example would be mint.
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