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the item build: "
Item Build
Techies item build isn't fixed. Depending on the game scenario:
Early game = 4 clarities and a tango (Tp isn't always needed, varies.)(Surprisingly enough, I find techies good at last hitting/denying despite the low damage/attack speed.)
Soul ring is usually a core item but if there are good nukers on the lane, go straight for orchird.
Robes x2
Sage Mask x2
This solves most mana problems.
Arcane isn't necessary. Getting the robes and sage's mask for orchird solves his attack speed and mana issues. Unless your team is heavily mana dependant, its best not to get it.
Force staff is Techie's core item if he can get it fast. Usually after Orchird (varies). (in fact, it is occasionalLY safer to get a force staff after the robes/sage for the instant hero kill trick)
Gems are never a problem with force/rams, sentries are.
I will not recommend heading deep into the jungle to mine as it may (likely) be warded. Observer wards help here.
Items Build
A force staff is what feeds your carry and removes an opponent before a team fight. This is where 4v5 is in reverse. Techies is not useless in teamfights, rightly placed mines > statis midfight > remote at escaping heroes can destroy most opponents. With an orchird/threads, his damage output is much better than some heroes.
Suicide is used if you are dying (bought all items), and could eed your nearby allies with some kills. Do not use suicide when you can escape, otherwise, nearby opponents will gain exp.
As mentioned, do not pick techies before looking at your opponents.
Sentries are a core item for techies, especially if there are invisible heroes (riki/mirana) Sentry warding where your stack of remote mines are is a must. Most of the time, opponents will ward. There are two ways to go about this:
De-ward with your sentries (They will lose gold) or outfarm them with mines. Techies harassments are amazing.
Observer wards goes a long way for the team when added with mines. The midlane may gank you and sometimes, mines aren't sufficient. (Stasis helps)
Aghanim Scepter, while it may be a good item for remotes and pushing. It isn't always necessary. Rushing aghanims is a game of luck. It doesn't give you sufficient mana regen and takes a long time to farm when other items (boots for pushing/orchird for everything etc) could be gotten.
Item Build
Early game
-4 Clarities
-Always keep a tp for ganking/defending other lanes throughout the game.
Depending on the situation (1 or 2)
-Force staff
-Orchird's robe/sage
-Soul ring
Core (Most of the time, it is needed)
-Force staff
Mid game
-Mekaesm if needed. You have to best farming ability.
Late game
-Boots (Possibly midgame)
-Scythe of vyse
-Skadi = Dps techies (You are scary in teamfights with the range and orchird attack speed. Techies' stat gain is aligned with those of a semi-carry)
-Rod of Atos
-Etheral Blade, to take out dps opponents + giving you insane attack speed with orchird.
Throughout the game
-Sentries wards.
-Observer wards (you do not need too many with your mines.)"
the skill build is abit less informative as it dosnt spesify quit eas much but i still find it pretty easy to understand if you give it an honest read. "If your map awareness is good enough and lane enemies will not be able to stun-pawn your partner, suicide squad isn't needed, stats is a viable option as it helps a lot. Leveling Statis over mines for some games (depending) can be a viable option as well.
Swap 1 mine for stats/stasis as needed depending on the situation."
have a lovely day :)
DOTAFire is not a site with scientific publications, and... wait a second. I think I told you exactly the same thing. Yes, that's you who made
"thank you for your insightful comments, this is my first guide so i am obviously very inexperienced in this, i will fix it as soon as possible
once again i thank you for your comments"
At first you were kind and obedient, but now you are being aggresive and naughty. Yup, meet my friends: "#E42217" and "#E56717".
Now to the author:
You don't have time to format and paragraph? Maybe you have no idea on how to order that guide decently?
Apart from the formatting - do you think that this guide is helpful enough to learn the hero? You just explained some situations and gave basic information about this hero.
You did not explain why certain heroes are good against him, when he is exactly useful.
Do you think that lecturer's job is to get through all that unpleasant, somber wall of text and read about few (rather obvious) facts with no in-depth explanations?
I just scrolled it down and wrote this comment. Nothing else. I just can't read this.