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6 Votes

Just a pub Furion

August 17, 2012 by nryn
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DotA2 Hero: Nature's Prophet

Hero Skills

Spirit of the Forest (Innate)


1 4 8 9


2 3 5 7

Nature's Call

10 12 13 14

Wrath of Nature

6 11 16


15 17 18

Just a pub Furion

August 17, 2012


Get this first because as you see Nature's Call won't be used until level 10, so it'll be a bit faster (and more entertaining) than teleporting to either the cliff on Dire Neutrals or Ward spot on Radiant Neutrals near the second tower.
While laning (bottom or top), as a ranged hero you can harass enemy heroes especially if they're melee. Even if you can't kill them annoy them to death but make sure you're not overdoing it by taking all the creep's attention towards you.
Max this out first so you can teleport more often in the map to help your team get their kills. And teleport back to base when you have low mana.
You can start farming neutrals by level 3 in the 2 spots I mentioned above.
Nature's Call is for pushing. If you use this for farming neutrals, eventually you will be mana starved where you will need to go back to the well, buy clarity potions/ buy Ring of Basilus. 1 will cost you time and the other two will cost you gold. Plus you won't be teleporting anywhere in the map soon if you don't have enough mana to tp>sprout>tp back.
This will be your earliest nuke. Do not use this whenever you can early in the game.
Constantly watch all the lanes and if there's a kill opportunity (half hp enemy/ally ganking), you could help with the damage (or get the last hit).
I once saved (and helped a Lighting Revenant get a double kill) from an Axe and an Omniknight.
they were both less than 2/3 hp and I know that Axe was planning to use Berserker's Call and Omniknight will heal him. even if Lightning Revenant used plasma field, Axe would still reach him and Omniknight would heal him. But a wild Wrath of Nature came and Omniknight died before he could heal and Axe was left alone hit both by Wrath of Nature and Plasma Field.


Now why not Midas and Dagon instead?
Like I said, you wouldn't be farming in the neutrals much. even if it would change your creep killing faster, 1400 gold could go to dagon recipe.

+13 Int
+3 All Stats
+9 Damage
400 Burst damage with a 40 second cooldown.

It works like this:
- Teleport to a lane where enemy hp is low.
- Use Dagon.
- Walk(TP Scroll) away.
If you can't kill him immediately, Sprout + Wrath of Nature + Autoattack. Assuming you're too arrogant ganking an enemy alone.

Note: upgrading Dagon is most of the time optional. Look at your enemies and think if you can keep nuking them with Dagon then you may upgrade, otherwise buy some dos items like Desolator.

Shadow Blade - Optional if you're pushing with creeps, mid or late game for escape.


Why do I not use Nature's call for extra creeps early game to push?
Because there are heroes behind enemy towers who can pull creeps from attacking the towers.
Nature's Call/teleport/casting sprout will cost your more mana, than killing an enemy hero in a lane with 2 of your allies and have the creeps attack the tower without disturbance. And it's 1 less hero who could gank you. 3 heroes can push faster/more intimidating than just 1 or 2.

In Mid game when you have enough mana to spam Nature's Call and teleport anywhere. Pushing will be easy if your allies can stand for themselves against your always ganked enemies.

Note: Guide is WIP and will be updated if I could get enough late games. coz most of the times I can laze around after Early/Mid Game because my allies were fed.
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