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Jungling with Dark Seer

July 16, 2012 by knightsljx
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jaslam (21) | July 19, 2012 9:33am
knightsljx wrote:

Agreed with the Wall, I find it useful only nearer to higher levels. It's not as effective without vacuum. Changed the skill order.

When Jungling, cast on yourself and tank. Shouldn't be an issue.

Skill order is still the same. All aside +1
knightsljx | July 17, 2012 4:12pm
Agreed with the Wall, I find it useful only nearer to higher levels. It's not as effective without vacuum. Changed the skill order.

When Jungling, cast on yourself and tank. Shouldn't be an issue.
Hades4u (296) | July 17, 2012 11:40am
Hmm, I'll try this then one time, sounds good.

Do you let the Ion Shell on a creep and leave or you tank and fight with it on you?
jaslam (21) | July 17, 2012 4:49am

He's a great jungler if it works in your teamcomp, you stack the big camps and ion shell them.

DARK SEER IS one of the best junglers - like any good jungler he is a great ganker. the only mistake for this guide is the skill build. As a ganker/jungler you DONT need Wall.
and as a STACK/Smoke of deceit type jungler, higher levels of ion shell, only make things faster - don't really help ganks.

Getting strong vacuum is best.

Shell -> surge -> shell -> vacuum -> shell -> vacuum -> vacuum -> vacuum.

That's max vacuum at level 8, level 6/7 between jungle stacks is a great time to start ganking. After that get wall..
knightsljx | July 16, 2012 3:43pm
Dark Seer is one of, if not the best jungler with ion shell and smoke of deceit. It looks kind of bad cause I'm not very good at it. It's entirely possible to hit lvl 6 at about 5:30 with 1600+ gold and lvl 7 at 6 min+. It's like having an extra mid lane without having to fight someone for last hits. What's more, by double pulling the creep waves, you're helping your top lane solo hero farm near the tower.

Of course he is great laning and harassing with ion shell too. But there are tons of guides for those builds already.
TheRabidWombat#248704 | July 16, 2012 2:40pm
Hades4u wrote:

I never saw Dark Seer as a jungler ... I don't think it works very well too.

He's a great jungler if it works in your teamcomp, you stack the big camps and ion shell them.
Hades4u (296) | July 16, 2012 11:29am
I never saw Dark Seer as a jungler ... I don't think it works very well too.
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