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19 Votes

Jungling as Nature's Prophet [Carry/Support Style]

December 16, 2011 by kumquat
Comments: 7    |    Views: 40380    |   

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Sp12 (25) | September 13, 2012 4:14pm
I think the lack of an early sprout level limits your ability to participate in early ganks, which are the most influential. I would also argue sheepstick should take priority over an orchid.
Mrs Warboys (10) | May 27, 2012 6:09am
Linking out of DotaFire to read the guide elsewhere? Not cool bro.
Leech (25) | April 14, 2012 2:03pm
Ya that site is currently down or removed.
Daun | April 14, 2012 10:51am
I don't know if its only me, but the link doesn't work.
wlkGrogolog | April 1, 2012 5:25am
sweet, im new to the dota2 scene but turns out i was building his core items all the time before looking at this guide :D
kumquat (15) | December 16, 2011 9:35am
Reed wrote:

Solid guide.


I don't necessarily like the carry build, simply because Furion can't really carry the game late. Building him with items like Daedalus or MKB still assumes that you have pushed the enemy hard enough to make them incapable of coming back. Furion seems more like a pusher/support to me (semi-carry at best), because he doesn't have anything that really allows him to take over late(inherent AA damage/IAS boosts). Fundamentally, you want to abuse your farm capabilities to overwhelm the opponent quickly through an item and tower advantage.

You're right about him not scaling well into the late-late game as a carry, but even as a carry his entire point is to win early through farm advantage. Daedalus is very attractive on Furion (in my opinion) simply because after you get orchid, it's very easy to farm up massive amounts of gold very quickly, especially if you are pushing. I've easily farmed the 5k needed by the 30 minute mark, and the entire point of a carry Furion is to abuse that. Obviously if the game drags on for 60 minutes, and we have full item builds, most carries would flat out win against Furion, but if I'm facing an anti mage and I get Daedalus by the time he is just finishing his Manta, it's going to be very easy for us to win a team fight. If they play defensively and refuse to team fight, we can just grab Roshan and push.

I'm also persistently useful throughout the game. Characters like anti mage have to lay low for the early stages of the game where as I'm pushing towers down and still out-farming him. It's really easy to mass up huge GPM, even if you aren't winning. It's not uncommon for me to end up with 700 GPM at the end of a game. I'm not boasting, I'm just expressing what he is actually capable of.


That aside, I would suggest putting something in your guide about double stacking the jungle, as it can exponentially improve your farm. Also good ward spots where you can see common jungle gank routes would be useful.

Yeah, sorry about that. I intended on doing that but I totally forgot.
Reed (3) | December 16, 2011 9:13am
Solid guide. I don't necessarily like the carry build, simply because Furion can't really carry the game late. Building him with items like Daedalus or MKB still assumes that you have pushed the enemy hard enough to make them incapable of coming back. Furion seems more like a pusher/support to me (semi-carry at best), because he doesn't have anything that really allows him to take over late(inherent AA damage/IAS boosts). Fundamentally, you want to abuse your farm capabilities to overwhelm the opponent quickly through an item and tower advantage.

That aside, I would suggest putting something in your guide about double stacking the jungle, as it can exponentially improve your farm. Also good ward spots where you can see common jungle gank routes would be useful.
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