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11 Votes

Jungling as Enchantress

December 5, 2011 by kumquat
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Pandosaurus | January 19, 2013 7:09am
I really like this build, and I totally agree with you on your points on Linkin > Aghanims. Enchantress' biggest problem lies in the fact that she can be very easily brutally murdered against an unexpected nuker, and getting Linkin's Sphere as early as possible should hopefully alleviate some of those concerns. Although you've only put them in there as suggestions, I would definitely suggest Orchid Malevolence and Aghanim as a third and fourth item. +1
bunny_funeral | December 31, 2012 8:02pm
I never thought about building Linken's on her till reading your guide. I always went perseverance -> orchid -> bloodstone to maximize mana regen and damage output. I started playing around finishing Linken's instead of bloodstone after orchid based on your guide and realized it really did wonders in preventing being burst down by nukes. Then I decided to try going straight into Linkens without finishing orchid first, and I discovered this is a much smarter idea as rushing orchid just made me much more likely to either:

(1) die at the start of teamfights or
(2) steal kills from my carries with my obscene orchid damage

neither of these situations are ideal.

Don't listen to dirrwen, he's an angry person. The stats on Scepter are nice, and I consider it a fine choice after orchid (if the game is even still going on), but it really doesn't have the utility that Linkens or Orchid have. I sometimes get ring of basi for the armor bonus of my creeps start of game, but it seems to be a hard choice between that and urn of shadows.
Protozoid | May 30, 2012 11:38am
i love how this char has 5 ranks on the spell untouchable
crackhead125 | April 9, 2012 5:24pm
Post a real guide on here newb, if I wanted to go to a different site to look at guides I wouldn't be on here to find them. hit farmer.minus 1
kumquat (15) | January 21, 2012 10:45am
Now that linkens has been buffed, it is definitely a better choice than Aghanims.
kumquat (15) | December 9, 2011 12:12pm
I think you are severely over estimating the amount of range that scepter actually gives you. Test it before and after if you don't believe me, but here's the screenshots

Without scepter

With Scepter

Look at the difference. Look at how far behind her ranged creeps in each of those and tell me that the range is substantial and worth it. You act like it's absolutely necessary to give up any defense against nukes or AoE stuns just to have that bit of range and that bit of damage, when Linken's offers more lasting damage because she is actually capable of staying alive and not being an easy kill to anyone who has a Blink dagger.
dirrwen (10) | December 6, 2011 2:56pm
More autoattack range on the squishiest hero in the game, plus some mana armor and hp > ****ty easily countered spellblock and some regen. By no means is linkens a bad item, in fact I get it quite often after I get Agh's, but Agh's is first and better, period.
kumquat (15) | December 6, 2011 11:54am
dirrwen wrote:

Okay man.... If you seriously think any item is better than Agh's on Enchantress, especially ****ing Linkens, you are a bad Enchantress :S

Why? I've tried both ways extensively and I've had much more success with Linken's. Did you read anything I wrote? You can't simply say "Oh, it's better, and that's the way it is." I've done a great deal to counter the argument and haven't received much in return, except for "It's better."

You did the sae thing on my shadow shaman guide. Did you read what I wrote? Did you see the stats for yourself? How is Agha's still better?
dirrwen (10) | December 6, 2011 9:29am
Okay man.... If you seriously think any item is better than Agh's on Enchantress, especially ****ing Linkens, you are a bad Enchantress :S
kumquat (15) | December 6, 2011 12:55am
I can tell by your vulgarity that you are very passionate about this, so I will try my very best not to offend you in my counter argument. =) I will suggest that you be a bit more tactful in the way you present your argument, lest you come off as being a tool. You can debate your point waving your **** around, you know.

By burst mana regen, do you imply that I need to be getting items like arcane boots, soul ring, and bottle? I find this rather unnecessary, as it gets in the way of her main build. I definitely think that you are over-estimating the potency of mana regeneration. You say that 150% is "****ty" (crudely put, but okay) and doesn't accomplish much, but you fail to realize a few things, and I think you fail to realize the potential that % regeneration has. Without any items whatsoever, Enchantress can get 4.1 mana regeneration. Crystal Maiden's aura, which is what makes her arguably the best support in the game, is only 2.0 mana regeneration, which is a measly 50% for enchantress. Urn and Linken's is 200%, which means she has 8.1 mana regeneration / second. She's a ganker, but her role isn't to gank. She has many roles. She's a pusher, she's a semi carry, she's a support, AND she's a ganker. If her sole purpose was to gank, yeah, I understand why Linken's might not be the best choice, but this is a very multi-dimensional character that benefits greatly from well-rounded items.

Downgrading Linken's is extremely naive, and ignorant. First off, it's hands down one of the best items in the game. This isn't debatable, it's amazing. Enchantress's main weaknesses are her need for a consistent stream of mana (To keep her ult running) and her vulnerability to nukes. Linken's solves both of those problems. If you're playing Enchantress and not having issues with nukes, you're playing against idiots, plain and simple. Your reasons for siding with Scepter seem very misplaced to me. You say she needs raw HP, but all she's gaining in place of Linken's is 105 HP. If you're going to try to compare 105 HP to a SPELL BLOCK AND substantial HP regeneration, I'm sorry, but you're a moron. 105 HP is nothing.

You say that Scepter is superior, when Linken's makes it so that I can regenerate the amount of mana that Scepter has over Linken's in ~10 seconds. Is that 85 mana really worth it? It's 85 mana. Look at the numbers yourself. It's clear as day that Linken's is superior.

You should go ahead and read the second comment in this guide as it proves the complete and utter lack of validity in your argument.
HamSandwich (34) | December 5, 2011 8:31pm
As a ganker, Enchantress needs burst mana regen and a big manapool, along with raw hp, not some ****ty 150% mana regen. Percent-based mana regen doesn't actually accomplish very much. Furthermore, Aghanims costs $975 less and has a much easier buildup.
kumquat (15) | December 5, 2011 5:23pm
dirrwen wrote:

but no Agha's core? Come on man, it's literally the best item for her, ever, and the first item you should get in every single game ever (after Urn and Treads ofc).

Yes Agha's is good on her, but in my opinion it's silly to get it as a first big item for multiple reasons.

1.) It's difficult to build. Early regeneration (Perseverance) is extremely necessary for her mid-game success, and for the persistence of her ult. She is VERY mana intensive, and rushing a scepter means you'll be starving for mana constantly, and won't have the mana necessary to use that ultimate that you spent all that time empowering.

2.) The bonus damage isn't really worth what you are missing out on. Let's crunch some numbers.

Aghanim's Scepter Stats
390 HP
280 Mana
10 Attack Speed
1.4 Armor
+10 Damage
+178 Damage total on your ultimate at maximum range

Linken's Sphere
+6 HP / sec
150% Mana Regen
285 HP
2.1 Armor
15 Attack Speed
15 Damage
195 Mana
137 Damage at 550 range
Spell Block

Now that we've shown what they give her, let's compare them.

Agha's Advantages
105 Health
85 Mana
+41 Damage on your ultimate (36 if you count the fact that Linken's gives +5 more base damage than Agha's

Linken's Advantages
+6 HP regen
150% Mana Regen
0.7 Armor
5 Attack Speed
5 Base Damage
Spell Block every 20 seconds

Now knowing the advantages that each of these items have over each other, which would you rather have? Is the +36 damage and bit of bonus range really worth having almost no regeneration and being completely vulnerable to CC and spells?


Also for the love of Pete max enchant first in the jungle. Not only does it give you a (much much) better slow for ganking early game (all you should be doing btw), but the shorter CD also allows you to get a bigger army or deadly furbolgs and centaurs for absolutely free kills. The heal, you won't be using much (if at all) in the jungle or in early ganks, because nukes tend to be dominant in this stage- in case you didn't know your heal does jack poopy against nukes.

This is something that I had personal trouble when deciding which route to take but I decided that Nature Attendant's was an overall better choice for several reasons. While you are right that the lowered cool down is extremely useful, maxing out nature's attendants early is extremely important for her mid-game success. It's a matter of preference, although I believe maxing out enchant first is sort of like putting your eggs in one basket, where as Nature's Attendants gives you more versatility and sets you up for the mid-game.

Thanks for the +1, and thanks for your constructive criticism.
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