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33 Votes

Jungling 101 - What You Need To Know!

September 14, 2012 by Xenasis
Comments: 19    |    Views: 416153    |   

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sorcerer455 | September 4, 2013 1:57pm
I was looking for one of these. Very helpful with lots of info. Having a great time with Lifestealer and Lycanthrope!
MeatWaad (1) | May 20, 2013 3:13pm
+1 Very good explanation.

Kaeroku | April 12, 2013 8:25am
I'd really like to see this guide updated as well. I've been expirimenting with Ursa, Lifestealer, Lycan and Chen jungling and a lot of this I have been figuring out - but the "corner-jungling" as it's called now, where you create slots in the trees to attack one at a time, is very useful to know and something that I definitely could use help with.

Also, very interested to try massive shadow demon stacking now, had no idea that was a thing. Any chance you can expand the stacking section to demonstrate how to stack larger and larger groups, and what the maximum stack is for efficiency purposes on a given hero?

I realize this guide was intended to be basics, but hell, I figure I'll ask for the moon and be happy with whatever I get :)

And those screenshots you promised would be great!!
assasinscreep | April 2, 2013 7:31pm
I've been researching a lot since im learning how to jungle a lycan post-nerf adn there 2 points you haven't covered i'd like to mention:

1st: it takes you about 25 seconds to go from your fountain to the easy camp. This is good to know when you're lycan because you can calculate whe the 1st creeps are going to appear and cast the wolves in the fountain and wait to regen full mana before leaving (i don't know if i explained myself, but if you understand this tip is incredibly helpful to begin farming. Just wait the game to begin and at 15 seconds cast wolves, at 20 seconds rush to the first camp, you can buy an extra mana potion before leaving. When you arrive you will have the camp, your 2 wolves and full mana)

2nd: You haven't mentioned the creeps 1st spawn time. I think is about at 30 seconds from game start. I'd love to get a feedback on this.

The warding trick is awesome. I hope you update this guide soon, is turning out really good.
Enizeo | January 29, 2013 2:23pm
"those wolves more armour"???
Whatever :D Nice guide really helped me A LOT!
Raidhyn (4) | August 29, 2012 1:59am
As a LoL > DOTA 2 guy as well, this was super useful. +1
jaslam (21) | August 10, 2012 7:34am
smoke of deceit trick still works, but the creeps will now run away from unknown sources of damage, like they did in dota 1 - doesn't mean you can't use it for say Dark Seer, but it will take longer, and people like shadow demon, it will not work anymore. (because they also don't run as a group, they just move backward and forward in different directions..
Xenasis (11) | August 7, 2012 9:27am
Palma wrote:

Btw, Centaur Khan won't use a stun skill unless there is 3 or more melee heroes/creeps against him.

Thanks for pointing this out, I noticed this recently whilst playing Lycan, I'll update accordingly!
Palma | August 7, 2012 8:30am
Thanks for really helpful guide

Btw, Centaur Khan won't use a stun skill unless there is 3 or more melee heroes/creeps against him.
Xenasis (11) | August 5, 2012 7:27pm
Great F8 wrote:


You should remove mention of the Smoke of Deceit trick, which has since been patched out.

Hm, it has?

I knew it wasn't there in the original DotA, but it certainly worked last time I checked...

Damn, I'll revise that tomorrow.
Great F8 (3) | August 5, 2012 7:18pm

You should remove mention of the Smoke of Deceit trick, which has since been patched out.
Larry The Amphibious Shar (4) | August 5, 2012 11:58am
Well done, very detailed. +1

P.S.: add a little note on the Radiant easy camp, since it sometimes can be tricky to stack it.
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