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Jungle N'aix, So that is what gold is for!

February 28, 2013 by Tyrannabana Rex
Comments: 6    |    Views: 40426    |   

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GaMeRcho | January 24, 2014 1:20pm
Thanks to this guide I've made some pretty nice games! Thank you!
My first game after the guide... I lost the game (Uncle Fester) but I really enjoyed playing LS.
Helldorado | November 6, 2013 5:14am
I want to add some corrections and improvements to your guide. Otherwise, a very good one!
I am a very experienced jungler N'aix, doing this for like 70 matches in a row. So, let us begin.

1) First of all, the creep spawns have changed. The weak creep camp has been swapped with the stack-pull camp. So now, more gold is available.

2) After many matches, farming, tons of situations i have been in, i have discovered that Midas, Treads, Mordiggian and Desolator are a much better combination than with Basher.

3) I would like to change the time stamps in which you get the items. If you do not get ganked, r gank, or towers down, just pure farm, and have decent creep spawns, you should get items in this order:

Midas 6:30-7:00
Treads 9:30-10:00
Mordiggian 14:30-15:00
Desolator 19:30-20:30 (though my fastest is like 19:06, but that was a special case). I have screenshots and videos with all my claimings.

4) I have discovered that using Midas on the smallest possible creep you encounter can bring you much more benefits than using it on bigger ones. For example, instead of using on a big creep that gives you usually 100 gold, though getting 190(a potential bonus of 90 gold) you could use it on a small creep, with 17-20-25 usual gold, and get a potential bonus of around 170 gold! Now you make the calculations. If you get Midas at 7:00, and set a target farming time at like 21:00 min, 21-7=14(minutes to use Midas). 14*60=840(seconds). 840/90(Midas cooldown time) = 9.33. 9*170(average bonus gold)=1530 bonus gold! So, i say that that amount of gold in early game can bring much more benefit than 1 or 2 levels.

5) With Midas, Treads, Mordiggian(activated) and Desolator on you, at 20 min mark you have like level 14-15, a damage of 230(did not count Feast damage because it is relative to the heroes hp), add -7 armor reduction, and like 1800 hp. Imagine the amount of damage you deal with that kind of items and build! Supports die in like 3-4 hits, and the rest in 4-5-6 hits. All you need a stunner in your team, and ultra kill or rampage is on the way! I mostly have the luck and do that. Or, at least a triple kill.

6) There are downsides too. You need to tell your team at the start of the game what you are intending to do. Ask them nicely not to swear at you, hold the game and don't feed until the 20 min mark, and assure them the match is won after. Also, ask them to yell and everything when someone is missing(i don't need to mention how crucial it is that you don't die).

7) Usually, if all goes well, and i got some decent kills and complete with some more farming, i suggest making Tarasque next item. Better, more efficient, and you should get it at the 25 min mark. A 2800 hp tank, with attack speed, magic immunity, 270 dmg + Feast and -7 armor, is something to be feared. Not to mention hp bonus from infest, and slow and heal from open wounds.

Hope this helped and improved your guide. Have a nice day!

Tyrannabana Rex | February 27, 2013 9:25am
pumpermoose wrote:

Infest ganks are arguably the number 1 reason people choose Naixs, so you def want to add something more into that.

Barathrum is arguably the dopest hero to inhect gank with as he drops a stun on the target so your infest damage for sure hits as it does not have a huge AOE. That is my personal favorite infest gank.
Any hero who has the blink (anti-mage, QOP), blink dagger, perma invis (bounty hunter, Nyx) and shadow blade can be extremely effective forms of the infest gank. Such a powerful combination of skills!

Looking forward to more being added to the guide. Add somethings about mid and late game play but overall looks good, just missing some info. I really like the item build! thats the way I play naix almost every time.

Thank you for the feedback I will definitely take what you said into consideration and since everyone seems to want more info on Infest Ganks I think I will give it an entire section to itself. Thanks again for your comment!
pumpermoose (2) | February 27, 2013 8:16am
Infest ganks are arguably the number 1 reason people choose Naixs, so you def want to add something more into that.

Barathrum is arguably the dopest hero to inhect gank with as he drops a stun on the target so your infest damage for sure hits as it does not have a huge AOE. That is my personal favorite infest gank.
Any hero who has the blink (anti-mage, QOP), blink dagger, perma invis (bounty hunter, Nyx) and shadow blade can be extremely effective forms of the infest gank. Such a powerful combination of skills!

Looking forward to more being added to the guide. Add somethings about mid and late game play but overall looks good, just missing some info. I really like the item build! thats the way I play naix almost every time.
Tyrannabana Rex | February 27, 2013 7:02am
xCO2 wrote:

Also note that Nyx-N'aix bombs are absolutely horrifying to be on the other end of.

Thanks for the comment! I will be sure to add more information about Infest ganks and the damage it can cause to enemies.
xCO2 (72) | February 26, 2013 10:54pm
Also note that Nyx-N'aix bombs are absolutely horrifying to be on the other end of.
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