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47 Votes

Jungle Lifestealer guide

January 22, 2013 by xkore88
Comments: 28    |    Views: 351379    |   

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EpicDinosaur | April 15, 2015 10:24pm
Spirit Breaker and Lifestealer are the best combo, but other than that, great! ++1
EpicDinosaur | April 15, 2015 10:24pm
Spirit Breaker and Lifestealer are the best combo, but other than that, great! ++1
Zetsuna (1) | February 12, 2015 6:16am
well Faceless Void backtrack can't be hitted by Monkey King Bar it's not an evasion skill. Basically unique evasion without any counter
TKH_96 (1) | October 17, 2013 7:47am
Entenei wrote:

Hello there lovely guide, I just wonder two things...

is feast an unique attack modifier? could it stack with say.. MoM for increased lifegain??
(i notice it Does stack with Desolater?)

two, Would you never recommended laneing with n'aix? - Do you get money/xp faster in the jungle?

I'm not the writer of this guide but I can try to answer. Feast stacks with everything as far as I've understood. The reason why you don't see them on Naix is that he doesn't really need it.
Then the other question. Laning gives you more gold and, if your supports are good, more experience as well. That's why pro teams always lane Naix. Jungling with him is more beneficial in pubs because it gives space for another core hero in the safe lane and Naix can jungle very well. He is a strong laner and a strong fighter even in the early game but in pubs it's better to have the extra carry potential.
Entenei (2) | October 17, 2013 1:51am
Hello there lovely guide, I just wonder two things...

is feast an unique attack modifier? could it stack with say.. MoM for increased lifegain??
(i notice it Does stack with Desolater?)

two, Would you never recommended laneing with n'aix? - Do you get money/xp faster in the jungle?
susideguy | June 21, 2013 4:25am
I like everything about this except one fact: Get Satanic instead of Heart.
You gain 25 bonus str from the Satanic instead of the 300 bonus hp and 40 str from the Heart.
(the difference is a measly 585 hp gain from the pure str and the added 300 bonus health, which at the late game after your core/extension items is nothing that the other carries won't eat through)
You also gain an additional 25 damage from the satanic, that added to the 20 str bonus translates to a 45 damage bonus, 5 more then you would get from the pure str from the heart.
You also gain 5 extra armor and even more lifesteal (enough to sustain anything on the active basically giving you a second life without an agis.) That late in the game the regen really isn't worth it as the clashes are a do-or-die type of situation.

Besides that excellent guide!
Deacon Frost | May 20, 2013 7:29am

Awesome guide :D !
khanda | April 2, 2013 2:49pm
LS 101 here +1
idiot94 | February 18, 2013 1:43am
great guide
Mirror (22) | February 17, 2013 9:30am
Lifestealer is more powerful in a lane than in the jungle.

If you jungle lifestealer, you're a terrible player.

I am quoting Ham sandwich from one of the other life stealer guilds here.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | February 13, 2013 1:31pm
9/10 times it results in a kill because no other hero can gank as effectively out of the jungle as Lifestealer can, so players never really expect it to happen.

I think Enchantress and Chen would disagree, a bit.
YesEvil | February 8, 2013 9:18am
Maybe add in a time guideline for the Hand of Midas. It usually helps give a better understanding of if your doing well or not. Good guide, keep it up!
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