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2 Votes

Juggy Guide Anti-alt tab guide

March 28, 2013 by HippoGuard
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HippoGuard | March 28, 2013 4:31am
Okay I will do it tonight sorry im kind of busy yesterday so I rushed the editing part
fredchen777 | March 28, 2013 3:10am
Not to be cocky or anything, but i don't think that you can skill Healing Ward 5 times...

As for the overall opinion on this guide i think its well done, you really accepted the critique that others posted here (sometimes not written that good^^).

What i found kind of hard to read was the friends and foes section. I'd add more pictures and empty lines to make it more readable.
HippoGuard | March 27, 2013 8:01am

I knew I was going to get a comment like this: actually, when I read that again, it sounded like an advertising for me too, but I didn't know how and if I could give a valid reason for it; I just wanted to show that my maths were right, "trying to give insight" as Big_toast said.

Anyway, the cookie cutter Phase Boots + Drum of Endurance + Yasha build gives both movement speed and enough attack damage and mid-game presence to easily win an aggressive trilane or a match focused on pushing towers; also, the Healing Ward is normally maxed-out straight after Blade Fury with just one point in Blade Dance as it makes pushing and trilane fights extremely easy.

I did make an alternative to suit people like you who like to add healing ward first thanks for telling
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 27, 2013 7:02am
Aepollon wrote:

Peppo_oPaccio: It just sounds to me like you are just advertising your own guide :) Not to flame you, but you shouldn't do that at another player's guide. Just saying, not hatin'

I knew I was going to get a comment like this: actually, when I read that again, it sounded like an advertising for me too, but I didn't know how and if I could give a valid reason for it; I just wanted to show that my maths were right, "trying to give insight" as Big_toast said.

Anyway, the cookie cutter Phase Boots + Drum of Endurance + Yasha build gives both movement speed and enough attack damage and mid-game presence to easily win an aggressive trilane or a match focused on pushing towers; also, the Healing Ward is normally maxed-out straight after Blade Fury with just one point in Blade Dance as it makes pushing and trilane fights extremely easy.
HippoGuard | March 27, 2013 3:46am
And Big_toast yiu sound like you want me to chabge my guide to your guide in which you posted a kink to your guide this makes me think that you're just here to prove that you guide is better but why? Go advertise some where else
HippoGuard | March 27, 2013 3:39am
Well thats a lot of misunderstanding sorry for the trouble caused
Yoda (9) | March 26, 2013 9:51pm
HippoGuard wrote:

Btw the speed guide is for fun not practical only do it if your team is wining

you should ve mentioned that earlier so that you wouldn't had gotten all that hate :l
Anw no need to get angry we are trying to help you become a better guide maker and thus a better player. Sry if we sound kinda harsh on you, i understand that this is your first guide.
CountryClubAntics (2) | March 26, 2013 9:48pm
Aepollon wrote:

Peppo_oPaccio: It just sounds to me like you are just advertising your own guide :) Not to flame you, but you shouldn't do that at another player's guide. Just saying, not hatin'

I agree with SnY and Butterfly: provides survivability and also potential to tank and chase down enemies easily.

Hes just trying to give insight, in which hes correct
I could just as easily say it sounds to me your just trying to protect your friend
Aepollon | March 26, 2013 8:24pm
Peppo_oPaccio: It just sounds to me like you are just advertising your own guide :) Not to flame you, but you shouldn't do that at another player's guide. Just saying, not hatin'

I agree with SnY and Butterfly: provides survivability and also potential to tank and chase down enemies easily.
HippoGuard | March 26, 2013 8:20pm
and if you feel your guide is better just keep it to yourself don't have to boast it or follow my guide
HippoGuard | March 26, 2013 4:44pm
Btw the speed guide is for fun not practical only do it if your team is wining
CountryClubAntics (2) | March 26, 2013 1:23pm
HippoGuard wrote:

Oh and this guide is for jungling and no healing wards so writing 2. Down shows that you did not read my guide fully

Jugg is far better mid game, and healing ward is better than lifesteal, even then vlads should be swapped out for a dominator if you rush it
and saying you dont get healing ward cause "this guide has no healing ward" makes no sense
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