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7 Votes

Juggernaut - Triple Kill specialist

January 15, 2013 by ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior
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Malystryx | June 21, 2013 7:17am
dark_fire wrote:

hmmm... don't like this build. I guess the stats make him tanky and a good right click hero, but the Healing Ward and Blade Fury gives him the pushing powering which is why he becomes such a feared pusher and roshan-er in the game.

think Vladmir's Offering adds to his tankiness and adds to his pushing power. i don't really consider him as a carry which is why i give the vlads utility to the team. his team can do a quick roshan after he successfully rushes a vlads with high levels in Healing Ward to survive through the early roshan attempt. he's just so active early-mid game. all you need to do is get a partner and spot out a easy gank opportunity and turn that into a push by spinning the creeps to death, put the healing ward up and getting 3 or 4 guys to right click the tower.

funny enough, u sort of killed his potential with that build of yours. if you really want stats so badly, just build a drums to dominate mid-game. again the active of drums can melt towers and/or rax when your team is behind you. getting so many stats is wasting his abilities somewhat. god, getting stats is what supports do cuz they dont' get enough farm to get tanky items.

with your build he can only right click and spin... he needs levels to get to Blade Dance and Healing Ward which goes into mid-late game. yet you're saying he scales bad in late-game. i know he's only really feared cuz he has 2 spells that makes him magic immune for a while. other than that he's not much of a threat.

sorry to say, that build might have worked for you, but you probably kept the game alive for too long unnecessarily.

no vote from me. my opinion only. don't take it to heart

I disagree with the stats portion. Getting 2 points into stats early allows you to Ult and go right into Blade Furry instead or vice versa. That his very helpful early on. After 2 points into stats, it should resume after you max your other skills.
ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior (1) | March 14, 2013 7:15pm
Ya I've been playing Jugg a lot more now in instances where it doesn't make sense to build him as a harder carry and have been building him as follows:
Phase Boots
Orb of venom (remember you can right click enemies while spinning, which will get the orb effect and slow them)
Drums of Endurance
Finish Manta
Then situational if required

I will also get a healing ward early on, especially if teamates can get early mana boots. I will however won't max it above lvl 2 or so for a while, still opting for stats.

this definitely gives you a lot more prescence in the mid game against enemy teams that either need to be ganked, or are pushing/ ganking themselves.
If the game is going where I can ff for 12 mins or so I will still generally get my early battlefury considering that even if I'm not afking farming it still synergises well with his crit and ult.
Catman | March 14, 2013 3:25pm
Remember everything i type is what i think.

Jugger ulti dosnt cleave, nor any other effekt on the normal ulti attacks. but if u get enough attackspeed so u do some extra attack and they get cleave, desu, and all the other effects.

Agree with beder that he said that jugger becomes good very fast and when ur picking this hero you should have midgame as focus and try not to make the game go late. Becuse there are lot stronger late gamer then jugger. (but at the same time i think Battle fury is a legit item but not my fav)
And my fav build for early aggression is ( think it was CoL that made this build before) phase boots (good early dmg for last hits), soul ring(u activate soul ring and u get a free healing ward, also very good becuse you got low mana pool), drums (imo best all-around item), dif blade(good early dmg, good attackspeed, boosts your extra attacks u can make in ulti, and ofc the purge is always nice aginst omni, or just chasin).

Starting items. easy lane qulling, hard lane stout sheeld into poor man sheeld.

Imo Jug is a hero that with small items can do alot very fast and still do alot dmg later in the game. By following its up with butter, MKB (if they have a hero with butter), abyssal blade (is realy good when they have a naix or a hero with bkb, or overall a good when they have a hero that u need to stop moving for 2 sec so u can just burst him down), manta (always good with illu but its also gives good agilit(attackspeed and dmg) but also momentspeed, and with manta effect u can dodge and get out of silence and so on). And as i said at the start you should not aim for this but if it happens to go longer u can always be effektiv.

I think its good going 2 lvl of stats for better mana pool extra early dmg. But 8-9-10 i think its a waste and would rather go healing ward, 11 ulti, 12 healing ward, max crit. and maybe even geting lvl 8-9 crit just to have it. with some luck u can dash out alot of bonus dmg and 1 lvl of healing ward can be pushed away to later.
step35beder (1) | March 14, 2013 1:18am
FYI... Battle Fury is not an effective ITEM for JUG.. unless ur MID hero or other lanes are dominating against there opponents.. if the enemy HARD carry is dominating on the other lane..
having a BF will just hinder u from helping other lanes.. since u pick a hard carry item basically..
Jugs effectiveness comes from his OMNI+SPIN early-mid game (so u need to RUN AND GUN)
BF does not nor supports JUG natural skill elements at all.. it will help him FARM.
But he is not a hard carry, against a VOID, MAGINA, PL..
so why try bother outfarming hard carries in the first place.. Jug is more like assasin..
Ult+Spin = Kill = Vanish/TP..... then roam again....

A good word of advice to any JUG FANS out there.. Dust/Quell is very essential to you, especially when they have Prophet/BH/NERUB/Riki or any invi heroes...

I carry it especially when my ULT is UP...

Cause most Invi/Gank heroes are always alone when ganking to avoid suspicion...

and ur ULT is most effective against single heroes...

More Love to OUR JUG in the NEAR FUTURE
ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior (1) | January 25, 2013 11:54am
My justification for quelling blade is fine, its a minimal cost. I play in very high games and I still will sometimes get it (stigma of noob item is not always true), you will make more money on last hits with qb than without one. Under the tower with jugg you will miss a couple early on and again it lets you farm much quicker later. If your enemy laner is ranged this will ensure you will get all last hits and they wont deny, where even if you are very good they still will get occasional.
I'M NOT SAYING THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO PLAY HIM. As mentioned couple of times, I'm merely suggesting a build to play Jugg effectively as a carry.
Feel free to provide justification when disagreeing too instead of saying some pros that used a certain build. Items are situational of course they will use something different.
cetanu | January 21, 2013 3:05pm
Huh, Quelling Blade? If your ping is fine you should be able to last hit without one...

I also want to say, Battlefury is not 100% necessary on Jugga.
I watched iG.YYF just yesterday who built a Yasha then sold his Poor Man's Shield for a Shadow Blade.
While battlefury is a nice item, I think that there are much more cost effective items which will give you the same impact.
ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior (1) | January 18, 2013 11:39pm
Guess we not really arguing after all :). I agree those items are good to have on team, and yeah this build is to just get fat enough so you can kill the enemies and push on that, as opposed to just a hard push lineup where the enemy may be alive but can't keep towers.
dark_fire | January 18, 2013 3:00pm
dude, vlads is not really something to get for the lifesteal. its a item that should be considered to give every1 on your team a +5 armor bonus. it goes well into lategame with the increased damage aura. the lifesteal is just a bonus. its pretty much like a mek for the team.

and yes i've seen it in pro games and yes, jug built it. he tanked up a lot of damage cuz of that armor spinning in the front lines. get your team to push towers and once the tear 1 towers are gone, smoke up and take a quick roshan with the team. (light of heaven from na'vi in the internationals built it on jug cuz they play a pushing strategy most of the times).

the aura on the drums shouldn't be underestimated either.

now i know your guide focuses on playing him as a carry so all you want to do is farm. the reason i don't like your build is cuz your build takes him to late game where you're picking up his other skills when other carries scale so much better into late-game than a jug.

well, if you say the game finishs by 30 min i guess that fine. i'll stop whining now. lol.
ThrobbingIceCreamWarrior (1) | January 18, 2013 9:12am
imo an early Vladimir's is one of the worst items in the game with the exception of Lycan and Ursa. It has it's routes for wc3 games and is really only seen in lower level games. Early lifesteal without much damage to get lifesteal back is pointless. The aura buffs are nice but not at the price. My build as stated is set for him as a carry, not as an early pusher. If you want to play him as one skill him that way. This build is set to get him items and levels early ahead of the curve and then around lvl 12+ just have him get kills to allow the entire team to push towers and such. Drums is a good item but if you are going carry it takes away ~1750 g that could be spent elsewhere. Let someone else on your team pick it up for the active. I also don't level bladedance early at all because even at lvl 11 your omnislash isn't going to have more than a few 1/2 auto attacks. The whole point of Blade Dance is to get crits while auto attacking during your ult. You need the levels and items to make that worthwhile.

He is a versatile hero and can be played multiple ways but if you really wanna check replays I think you'll find I didn't needlessly keep the game going longer than needed. I'm able to farm efficiently enough and get enough kills that if everything goes well the games can be over in 30 mins (yes I can complete Mjollnir Bury and Abyssal Blade in that time).
dark_fire | January 18, 2013 12:41am
hmmm... don't like this build. I guess the stats make him tanky and a good right click hero, but the Healing Ward and Blade Fury gives him the pushing powering which is why he becomes such a feared pusher and roshan-er in the game.

think Vladmir's Offering adds to his tankiness and adds to his pushing power. i don't really consider him as a carry which is why i give the vlads utility to the team. his team can do a quick roshan after he successfully rushes a vlads with high levels in Healing Ward to survive through the early roshan attempt. he's just so active early-mid game. all you need to do is get a partner and spot out a easy gank opportunity and turn that into a push by spinning the creeps to death, put the healing ward up and getting 3 or 4 guys to right click the tower.

funny enough, u sort of killed his potential with that build of yours. if you really want stats so badly, just build a drums to dominate mid-game. again the active of drums can melt towers and/or rax when your team is behind you. getting so many stats is wasting his abilities somewhat. god, getting stats is what supports do cuz they dont' get enough farm to get tanky items.

with your build he can only right click and spin... he needs levels to get to Blade Dance and Healing Ward which goes into mid-late game. yet you're saying he scales bad in late-game. i know he's only really feared cuz he has 2 spells that makes him magic immune for a while. other than that he's not much of a threat.

sorry to say, that build might have worked for you, but you probably kept the game alive for too long unnecessarily.

no vote from me. my opinion only. don't take it to heart
caYabo | January 17, 2013 8:26pm
This is the best juggernaut guide out there. This person has a true understanding of the hero and his ultimate. Very impressed +1
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