Juggernaut, run baby, BAM ulti! Short Guide!
May 19, 2012
Try to get behind the enemies and don't forget your autoattack while using Q!
Move - autoattack - move - autoattack during Blade Fury, you know what i mean!
If someone runs away, no problem, look that there are no creeps, ulti!
LASTHIT ONLY! Don't push your lane, if you're doing it right, you'll be a one man army! Farm is everything!
-> Press S, to stop autoattack.
-> Maybe it's easier if you turn autoattack off.
First of all Health of Regen!
I prefer Phase Boots!
Quelling Blade only when u're playing vs Nature's Prophet!
Omnislash > Blade Fury > Stats - Blade dance down lvl 7!
Down lvl 14: Stats = Healing Ward, its situational!
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