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4 Votes

Juggernaut played without Battlefury

August 7, 2012 by Generic Name 2.0
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pebblecamp (2) | September 3, 2012 6:06pm
This is exactly the build used in competitive games, with the exception of healing ward instead of stats early and a soul ring pickup. Soul ring gives you a free healing ward to push with, and the big reason to get stats early is to have enough mana to spin then omnislash, something soul ring solves.

So yeah, this was the competitive meta about 2 years ago.

Jugg really shouldn't pick up a battlefury as he can't farm like a hardcarry (no blink/timewalk/epic scaling skill) and should focus on being your teams secondary carry.
Sarcy (27) | August 13, 2012 10:57pm

I wouldn't get diffusal it only deals 20 damage a unit during Omnislash vs a Battlefury that deals pure damage to those cleaved.

I have seen people with this build before, but it will leave you with a huge lack of regen during early to mid game.

I won't vote because I don't exactly approve of the build, but I have seen people win with it before.

The thing you're missing is that his damage isn't being built around his ultimate. It's being built around being able to drain the enemy team's mana in a fight with the use of diffusal and illusions.

This would be a situational build with a lot of mana reliant heroes on the other team and it works. Not every Jugg game is about getting that battlefury and cleaving through the masses.
Jonathan Hancock (2) | August 13, 2012 10:08pm
I wouldn't get diffusal it only deals 20 damage a unit during Omnislash vs a Battlefury that deals pure damage to those cleaved.

I have seen people with this build before, but it will leave you with a huge lack of regen during early to mid game.

I won't vote because I don't exactly approve of the build, but I have seen people win with it before.
Generic Name 2.0 (1) | August 7, 2012 4:51pm
Thank you for your input, i just put it up because i have tried it and found it effective, and just to put up an idea for an alternative build for some people to try out and see if they like it
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 7, 2012 3:16pm
It's an alright guide, the thing about it though is it lacks the early healing and mana that a perserverance gives at the beginning, making him very vulnerable and unable to be truly effective. Also it lowers his farming potential, and cuts out a cost efficient damage item for Jug. Credit for trying to make a more unique build, its just not as good as the battlefury build.
Generic Name 2.0 (1) | August 7, 2012 2:38pm
oh yeah.... forgot about that, sorry i will change that
AngryTurtle (7) | August 7, 2012 12:57pm
to get satanic you'd have to throw out diffusal they're both orb effects.

or I suppose you can just waste it's orb.
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