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16 Votes

Juggernaut: How to not look like a pub

July 6, 2012 by dingo
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RatusNatus | November 21, 2014 6:51pm
He is situational but with a good combo, and i think Venge is the best, can do some damage.

Very good guide but Jugs critical do stack with Daedalus.
I recommend skill build 3 from this guide without the itens. The other ones are best.
mediocrechicken | July 18, 2014 3:56pm
It's pretty good for a pub, but not useful past that. Speaking of which, you should re-title it to "How to look like a pub but do it really well." I'm assuming by non-pub you mean pro dota. If you want Jugger to be useful in a pro game, you should utilize Jugg as an early game push engine. In my experience of watching professional, Jugg is extremely situational.
MMKing | January 23, 2013 6:16pm
I think you should reconsider ''dark seer'' as a good laning partner. His ''Ion shield'' is extremely powerfull vs heroes with no escape mechanism or a magical based stun/slow.

At lvl 1, you will 1st blood some of the tankier enemies with ion + spin.

Speed increase allows you to easily chase down ANYONE and/or allow you to quickly run out of tower range after a dive.

Vacuum will make it easier to get the enemy into position.

Stomped som noob PA earlier today. Even if he tried to blink on ally, i was so insanely fast i quickly got to him.

You should also consider putting broodmother into ''enemy'' list. To 1st blood her is pretty hard, but as ward/dust comes into play you can effectively lure her into a very bad position then strike.
cocktailman90 | January 11, 2013 5:54am
i played juggernaut a few times and cuz of aghanim's scepter i got doublekills and tripplekills
just becauze of my extra jumps u stil dont understand why is it so bad to use it and when we do use it we look like noobs :(

can u pls tell me exactly why its so waste of 4200 gold i buy it before the butterfly and its helping me a lot with the cd on my ultimate and extra jumps

btw the starting build is supper nice thx for that i am realy better now cuz of the builds that i found here
justanasian | October 25, 2012 3:12am
This is actually a very good build. One thing i'd like to ask why you said never buy ulti stick, why not?
Fatality0110 | July 10, 2012 5:36pm
nice build i have the same item build but i have a diffrent skill build i take Blade Dance lvl 2, 4, 8, 9 becuse its great for early farm but yours ok
dingo (2) | July 6, 2012 12:09pm
WorkPants wrote:

To support this: Omnislash both makes you invulnerable for its duration and benefits heavily from Attack Speed. The +20% MS bonus from Mask of Madness can be crucial for cleanup (and maybe even escape) as well. While I know Mask of Madness is an item with serious pub stigma, try it some time. It's extremely efficient on Juggernaut.

Sure it gives some more DPS, but at what cost. It gives Jugg no stats and as the game progresses, it becomes more of a liability than a useful item. It doesn't come cheap either, you can invest that 1900 on better items. The orb itself isn't that great since it doesn't give anything else but lifesteal. The fact that you are using it only for your ultimates makes it worse, since your ultimate has a large cooldown, meaning you'll be using the item for only a couple seconds. Using it in open is just asking for a quick death. MoM is good for people who need to dish out lots of damage or bashes quickly, something which Jugg doesn't have without his ultimate.
WorkPants (7) | July 5, 2012 11:13am
Gottlike wrote:

Mask of Madness isn't a bad item. He'll be a glass cannon with huge damage output and if you play him properly you can beat out the **** of your enemies.

To support this: Omnislash both makes you invulnerable for its duration and benefits heavily from Attack Speed. The +20% MS bonus from Mask of Madness can be crucial for cleanup (and maybe even escape) as well. While I know Mask of Madness is an item with serious pub stigma, try it some time. It's extremely efficient on Juggernaut.
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