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Personally i love the
Also, one of these days, add a little bit more visual appeal to your guide. Look into this for aid:
Guide Formatting and You
Benbenkr: yes I understand the point you are getting at and will consider updating it with that in mind. Juggernaut isn't a support player, the healing ward does offer that characteristic but he is just there for dishing out damage and doing it fast. The reason I don't put a point in hw early is because I have never had issues with it not being there, and personally feel he benefits more from Blade Dance.
Killa42: ahhhh was wondering how to do that.
Cataclysm2146: lol, I see now I made a mistake with the skills...seems like the more popular choice is healing ward so that being said it's just a personal choice for not having it there but I will add more builds to compensate for it.
Jaitara_x: thank you for the kind words, oh i see why the blade dance makes sense early on, again I'll add more builds to include all the advice and tactics. Yeah skull basher is quite nice for me I find it effective when chasing and interrupting channeling spells like witch doctors ulti.
Thank you for the advice all ;)
If mana is really an issue for you, spend 1,000 on either the Wizard's Staff or Point Booster component of your Aghanim's Scepter. I usually do this after getting my farming item, and have zero problems with mana from that point onward. Another suggestion I have is substituting out your two Healing Salves for the Stout Shield right off the bat. Each time it procs the 20 damage block, that's a free 20 points of damage that you "healed", and the longer you have it, the more often that can happen. Buy some secondary healing afterward, if you really need it, and you'll notice an almost immediate change in your squishiness early on.
I actually like your Skull Basher item choice, to be honest. Juggernaut has AMAZING attack speed, and yet I've never thought to give him that passive stun for some reason. I'll have to try that out sometime and see how it goes...!
All in all, not a bad first guide :) I'm glad you actually are okay with taking suggestions from readers, as that gives everyone room to grow. I hope future readers of this guide remain polite and helpful, and I also hope that you continue to learn and grow as both a DotA player and a guide writer.
Then not maxing out Omnislash? Why?
The way I see it, this build is only sensible when you're somehow snowballing... of which wouldn't happen at all unless you have very, very, good team-mates at the early game. Otherwise, plenty of heroes would just eat you for breakfast by the time mid-game comes around, simply because you have no healing ward.
The idea for me with crystalis is to add to the crit you already have, and because juggernaut already has a quick attack speed the crit would be active more. I get what your saying and agree.
The desolator pick was purely because I'm a pusher in game most of the time, yes indeed it does fall out late game but it does benefit in team fights if the enemy loses 7 armor.
Thank you for the advice and I'll update when I get a chance :)
I wouldn't put
In addition, you need to decide within the first 7 mins or so if you're going to be building a Battlefury or not. If so, you need to rush it and try to build it before 25 mins. If not, just focus on getting items that give you some presence during midgame fights like Vladimir's Offering,
Subbing one of your early stats points for a