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5 Votes

Juggernaut: All-game carry

October 17, 2012 by Cormandragon
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RatusNatus | August 23, 2014 5:03pm
Venon is also very good with him.
Cormandragon | November 1, 2012 10:03am
@Starbucks, would you care to elaborate what better items you get that will allow double damage on his ult for the cost of Mask of Madness? However, I believe you're correct on the heart and satanic, switched satanic for MkB in the guide to counter other butterfly-wielding carries.
Starbucks 64 (3) | October 18, 2012 7:37pm
You should never get a heart and a saitanic. Also MoM shouldn't be gotten on Juggernaut, not that it's terrible item, just there are so many better items.
Kvothe | October 17, 2012 2:38pm
The only time mask should be activated is when ganking and when ulting. In team fights before ulting its suicide and afterwards you should be able to spin if you get in a rough spot.
NotSureIf (16) | October 17, 2012 11:19am
hubey wrote:

Have you tried MoM ingame in a decent matchup? Because on paper it looks nice, but it makes you even more squishy after the ultimate and I don't really know how much your ulti actually benefits from it. Ofc you get lifesteal, but you might just get nuked down very easy after or before your ulti in a teamfight. Would be nice to know.

I tried Mask of Madness a while back. You really shouldn't be using it in situations where your going in 1 v 5 where you will indeed be decimated immediately after your Omnislash finishes. Mask of Madness can be combined with Maelstrom and eventually Mjollnir for increased DPS and also increased attack-speed, therefore both increasing the chances of proc'ing Chain Lightning and also Juggernaut's Critical Strike. It's a different play style for Juggernaut that, in the right hands, can be successful.
hubey | October 17, 2012 11:11am
Have you tried MoM ingame in a decent matchup? Because on paper it looks nice, but it makes you even more squishy after the ultimate and I don't really know how much your ulti actually benefits from it. Ofc you get lifesteal, but you might just get nuked down very easy after or before your ulti in a teamfight. Would be nice to know.
Cormandragon | October 17, 2012 11:01am
@Wulfstan.. In case you didn't read correctly, I specifically said that you only activate the Mask right before you ult- when you're immune to all damage. The reasoning behind this is to give the extra IAS to be able to auto-attack in between each jump. And replying to the "not meant to autoattack", juggernaut is a CARRY. Watch the 3rd replay in my list. Kvothe is a really good Juggernaut player who uses this build.
Gababy | October 17, 2012 11:00am

He specifically said only pop it when you omnislash, which means that you will rape everyone, and be invulnerable while mom is popped.
Wulfstan (77) | October 17, 2012 10:52am
Wulfstan wrote:

Why would you get Mask of Madness on an already squishy guy?I mean, Juggernaut has an unique playstyle,and that is KILL THEM BEFORE THEY DO.
He's not meant to autoattack,he is meant to melt them down with Omnislash.
Hades4u (296) | October 17, 2012 8:58am
Add items and heroes between [ [ Hero/Item ] ]

So they'll look like this Juggernaut instead of Juggernaut.

Will make the guide look way more appealing.

Also, some color and bold text won't hurt.

Besides that, it's a nice guide, good job.

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