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64 Votes

Jakiro - We Done Good! [With IN-GAME GUIDE Support!]

February 22, 2013 by Mrs Warboys
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bigdim1988 | May 14, 2014 4:26am
I prefer build 3, although similar as someone above, I prefer to take liquid fire and teaming up with killer hero on side lane. Very effective on harrasing heroes and destroying towers. I have one question, if liquid fire is very effective on harasing heroes and destroying towers, why a lot of people still prefer to raising dual breath first rather than liquid fire??
Hoist | November 22, 2013 7:42am
Good stuff, went 9 kills 4 deaths and 35 assists on my first try as Jakiro. Changed the skill build a little to pick liquid fire earlier fpr lane harrass. Ended up in mid for some reason at the start though O_o.
noggertz (1) | November 18, 2013 6:56am
Great guide! +1
Buntarg | April 18, 2013 2:08am
Great guide! Read this and decided to play my first ever game with Jakiro.
I went 6-0-19 using the 'Team Fight' build! (Sniper & Bounter Hunter took all the kills)
+1 from me!
Mrs Warboys (10) | December 31, 2012 11:28pm
Thanks Crestfallen.

Yeah I'll add that in too. Usually I'm just pubbing so I go all selfish and just get a salve for myself ;)
CrestfallenAbyss | December 29, 2012 6:40pm
Yet another well-written guide from you, Warboys! Nice work. However...

My one criticism is where you tell player to take a Healing Salve as a starting item if your team already has a courier. I would say that Observer Wards are far more important than a Healing Salve, and should gain priority. Healing Salve is a great choice if you have a Courier and Wards, though.
mathmadical | December 15, 2012 2:50pm
Great build for a great character. Loved all the examples you added and the detailed description of skills and items. Thanks alot!
caponeil1 | December 14, 2012 5:21am
Jak is my favorite hero at the moment. +1 for guide!
xxblackxxrosexx | December 7, 2012 2:02am
+1! Great guide!
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