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i usually prefer force than blink because added mana mean spamming more spell...
all in all +1
I've never played Jakiro before however I think getting Liquid Fire isn't as good as getting early points in Dual Breath for the kill potential, aswell as getting a point at level one in Ice path as it is a strong stun for early First Bloods as it is one of the strongest early stuns in the game and although Liquid Fire is good for harassing but you have to get close enough and pushing in later game is Jakiro's strong suit but still getting an early point in Liquid Fire allows you to easily take down the tier 1. It's debatable but maxing Dual Breath and Ice Path for early kills early on is better in my opinion from laning with my friend who plays Jakiro frequently.
Yes, you are right. I should probably make another build, like :"Aggresive laner", which would focus on
Upvoted, great guide, well done! Thanks for the great contribution towards out community c:
Thank you. Blushes are real!
As well as you I think that
God, that's why I hate builds.
I also agree that
What I dont understand is that neither of your builds maxex
Another thing is that IMO Jakiro isnt the perfect Mekanism carrier (others benefit more from it). He has the mana for it but doesnt benefit too much from its stats since he is already pretty bulky. The
(Bloodstone Jakiro, what the ****?)
However. Your guide, to put it simply, is the best Jakiro guide I've ever seen and it's pretty spot on with how I feel about Jakiro.
Obviously not all of it is to my liking such as Necrobooks or skill build choice but that's all ignorable really, Guides are meant to give a general overview; a basic or in depth understanding of the hero. It's up to the reader/player to maximize Jakiro's potential in a way that's comfortable for them and their situation.
I've always wanted to nail it into people's heads that all Jakiro needs to be absolutely amazing, a god in teamfights and even in the game itself is:
Arcane Boots
Force Staff
Eul's Scepter
And then perhaps a Mek if your team doesn't have a Mek carrier.
Anyways, great guide. It could definitely be fixed up and made better, there's a lot of work that could be done but it's very very good.
Keep up the good work!
I think that
We have to be aware, that
I always used to think that maybe I was wrong with putting a point in
+1 :D