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25 Votes

Jakiro - the true Altruist and the best Companion (6.82)

October 15, 2014 by Krwiozerca
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Fixaz | September 8, 2014 6:43am
mostly i built it like this courier(if nobody buying)->basilisk->ward/flying courier(if nobody buying)->arcane->mekansm(support)/discord(push)->eul->aghanim(way late to the game)->shiva(way way way late to the game) and tp is a must 2 or 3...

i usually prefer force than blink because added mana mean spamming more spell...

all in all +1
jamesShajam (5) | August 17, 2014 5:25am
Nice guide, this taught me more than how to play Jakiro
Blubbles (13) | August 2, 2014 7:08pm
Very good guide read it all the way through but my main problem with it is it a huge wall of text and very hard to read. +1 very good informative guide.
Krwiozerca (34) | July 15, 2014 3:56am
Eon_Theory wrote:

I've never played Jakiro before however I think getting Liquid Fire isn't as good as getting early points in Dual Breath for the kill potential, aswell as getting a point at level one in Ice path as it is a strong stun for early First Bloods as it is one of the strongest early stuns in the game and although Liquid Fire is good for harassing but you have to get close enough and pushing in later game is Jakiro's strong suit but still getting an early point in Liquid Fire allows you to easily take down the tier 1. It's debatable but maxing Dual Breath and Ice Path for early kills early on is better in my opinion from laning with my friend who plays Jakiro frequently.

Yes, you are right. I should probably make another build, like :"Aggresive laner", which would focus on Dual Breath killing potential. The problem with that hero is that all of his skills are very useful from the start. It's not like with Sven who shouldn't consider getting points into Great Cleave early, because he will push the lane. Or Rubick who usually ingore Null Field at the beginning to max it later. I do respect your opinion and I will get onto it, you bet.

Hades4u wrote:

Upvoted, great guide, well done! Thanks for the great contribution towards out community c:

Thank you. Blushes are real!
Krwiozerca (34) | July 15, 2014 3:45am
Thank you for your comment.

As well as you I think that Liquid Fire is a great spell, but we can't forget that Dual Breath slow and damage is very important on laning stage if you want to get a kill. Ice Path at level 1 is basically a garbage skill, so it looks like it. I would also like to say that you don't have to put a point into Macropyre at level six on a typical laning position, so that you can add a point into Liquid Fire instead to make better harassment on lane against their carry.

God, that's why I hate builds.

I also agree that Jakiro isn't the best Mekansm carrier in game, but in most situations he will have to make it. He will be played almost always on position 5, when position 4 will be, let's say, Windranger, so it's obvious that rather Jakiro should make it. Other heroes will be able to focus on better items. If, however, let's say, Viper insists on building Mekansm I am happy, because I can get my Force Staff much earlier. This is totally flexible.
But Jakiro is a good Mekansm carrier. His skills doesn't cost a lot mana points, so you don't have to do maths while playing to count mana points to use Mekansm. And also more armor and hp regen will help him to stay longer in clashes, so that 1 extra Ice Path and Liquid Fire can make a difference.
tracc (3) | July 14, 2014 10:59pm
What I dont understand is that neither of your builds maxex Liquid Fire at lvl 7. I like to pla Jakiro in the off lane to stop the enemy melee carry from farming (agressive tri or dual lane with a farming ally). in most cases haing the 4 sec cd on Liquid Fire can result in heavily harrasing the enemy and denying him farm. So I usually max it first.

Another thing is that IMO Jakiro isnt the perfect Mekanism carrier (others benefit more from it). He has the mana for it but doesnt benefit too much from its stats since he is already pretty bulky. The Force Staff escape is very good but apart from that, wards, or situational pickups (pipe etc.) he doesnt need any item and can build whatever is needed (i.e. vladimirs Offeringor [Eul's Sceptre of divinity]].
Hades4u (296) | July 14, 2014 6:11pm
Upvoted, great guide, well done! Thanks for the great contribution towards out community c:
Eon_Theory (2) | July 14, 2014 4:11pm
I've never played Jakiro before however I think getting Liquid Fire isn't as good as getting early points in Dual Breath for the kill potential, aswell as getting a point at level one in Ice path as it is a strong stun for early First Bloods as it is one of the strongest early stuns in the game and although Liquid Fire is good for harassing but you have to get close enough and pushing in later game is Jakiro's strong suit but still getting an early point in Liquid Fire allows you to easily take down the tier 1. It's debatable but maxing Dual Breath and Ice Path for early kills early on is better in my opinion from laning with my friend who plays Jakiro frequently.
Cyanistic | June 18, 2014 8:16am
I was honestly thinking of building a Jakiro Guide because I wasn't too happy with the current guides and a lot of them were outdated.
(Bloodstone Jakiro, what the ****?)

However. Your guide, to put it simply, is the best Jakiro guide I've ever seen and it's pretty spot on with how I feel about Jakiro.

Obviously not all of it is to my liking such as Necrobooks or skill build choice but that's all ignorable really, Guides are meant to give a general overview; a basic or in depth understanding of the hero. It's up to the reader/player to maximize Jakiro's potential in a way that's comfortable for them and their situation.

I've always wanted to nail it into people's heads that all Jakiro needs to be absolutely amazing, a god in teamfights and even in the game itself is:
Arcane Boots
Force Staff
Eul's Scepter
And then perhaps a Mek if your team doesn't have a Mek carrier.

Anyways, great guide. It could definitely be fixed up and made better, there's a lot of work that could be done but it's very very good.
Keep up the good work!
Krwiozerca (34) | June 5, 2014 4:52am
Yes, Liquid Fire is really amazing and it's getting buffed, which I find awesome.

I think that Jakiro skill build is more flexible than some other supports, because even if his skills are supportive, they have completely different type of a cripple, for different situations.

We have to be aware, that Jakiro won't get that many levels early in typical baby-sitting role. Skill build comes to Dota knowledge and hero pool I guess.

Liquid Fire is a great harassing tool and it's one of the best pushing skills in the game, so it has more to offer for me in most situations.
Heeraka | May 17, 2014 10:31am
Finally, I see someone who likes to play like I do! Jakiro is my favourite hero of all time, period.
I always used to think that maybe I was wrong with putting a point in Liquid Fire 1st, but you absolutely told me I was right. I never really knew who Jakiro's foes were, but you put that up for us here, which is simply amazing. I only have 1 thing to say - Putting points in macropyre at level 10 and 11 is usually better as I haven't seen teamfights happen before the 15 minute mark(by this time I'm usually level 10-12). Anyways, nice guide, and now I know I'm not ******ed for maxing out liquid fire and ice path first. Thank you.
+1 :D
Krwiozerca (34) | May 17, 2014 4:06am
And again. In both builds I have Liquid Fire maxed as first skill.
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