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8 Votes

Jakiro: Support Dragon

October 2, 2013 by InVerum
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akrammedes | June 12, 2021 6:52pm
Thanks, bro this is really helpful
Talenhiem (2) | October 14, 2013 8:48am
The one negative thing I can say is: Can you update your starting items so you can get both a courier AND wards?
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 29, 2013 4:39pm
Interesting your guide enphasises Jakeroes "hard support" abilities, but has an item progression of a number 4.

Not saying it is wrong, just thought it was funny
Stank (2) | May 2, 2013 2:55am
Mrs Warboys wrote:

I'd recommend Veil of Discord before Aghanim's Scepter. The magic damage buff makes your ulti stronger, just like Scepter, but it also makes all your other spells stronger and the spells of your teammates.

Plus, the Helm of Iron Will in the components is really helpful for early game tankiness.

Yeah, except there's really no reason you should be buying Helm of Iron Will early game, let alone mid game (unless you're getting good farm for some reason). Don't buy Helm before Mek.. and by the time you build mek it's usually during or after mid game.

And your points on Liquid Fire are very valid reasons, however, I do enjoy putting 1 or 2 into liquid fire early on in place of a level of breath. The harass and attack speed slow is fantastic and can seriously mess up last hitting for the enemy carry. But again, I see your point and completely agree it can push the lane. Just my two cents on it.

Anyways, +1!
Mrs Warboys (10) | April 26, 2013 8:42pm
I'd recommend Veil of Discord before Aghanim's Scepter. The magic damage buff makes your ulti stronger, just like Scepter, but it also makes all your other spells stronger and the spells of your teammates.

Plus, the Helm of Iron Will in the components is really helpful for early game tankiness.
InVerum | March 26, 2013 5:33am
Thanks for the feedback! I was trying to make this super simple and concise but I can definitely add in some casting tips and friends/foes. The standard build I've seen pros use is usually to get a point of Liquid Fire at level 4, if they intend to be pushing. This usually gets the tower to at least half health by the 6 minute mark.
I have used Force Staff in the past, it is definitely useful, but I wouldn't want to get it before Aghanim's Scepter as that is an essential item .
The best carry for Jakiro to lane with in my opinion (If the picks support it) is definitely an Outworld Devourer . The ability to lay down the Ice Path after the Astral Imprisonment is an amazing combination. I will add in the those changes, and probably an early pushing Skill order as well!
Sando (118) | March 26, 2013 1:47am
Nice guide, there's plenty here that I agree with. Personally I prefer some earlier Liquid Fire, but you've stated clearly why you delay it so no issue there. Would suggest you add Force Staff to situational/luxury items - it's such a big help when positioning is key for Jakiro.

It might be good to expand the guide a little bit - talk a little bit about landing Jakiro's powers - due to his slow turn rate and casting speed there are a few tricks to help. Could also be worth looking at some of his allies - I tend to pick him when your team has heroes like Faceless Void or Disruptor who are good at trapping enemies in an area for Macropyre to take effect...
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