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6 Votes

Jakiro - Side lane support build

August 14, 2012 by jaslam
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NotSureIf (16) | September 6, 2012 3:43am

I agree with everything said here.

As do I. Couldn't have said it better myself. +1 for this guide. Chose Jakiro in a single draft game and used this guide to much success. Kudos to you.
Sarcy (27) | August 15, 2012 3:10am
Mrs Warboys wrote:

I think the guide itself is fine but these comments are making me cry.

@AdmiralChocobos - Dual Breath helps ganks way more than Ice Path. The movement speed slow and massive AoE damage is way more reliable than Ice Path, which is tricky to land at best and is only worth bothering with at level 4

@Starbucks 64 - Liquid Fire is an amazing skill that rocks when maxed early. It's a free 125 damage harass that screws up last hits. If you get to the tower, you have no problem destroying it. Very underrated skill that fits the current early-push meta perfectly. I max Dual Breath 90% of the time, but there is a place for maxing Liquid Fire and there are very few cases where you'd want Ice Path maxed over Liquid Fire

@Jaslam - Never skip Dual Breath for stats. It's among the highest damage nukes in the game, with a movement and attack speed slow in a massive AoE... screw stats, man!

I really need to finish my Jakiro guide -_-

I agree with everything said here.
Mrs Warboys (10) | August 15, 2012 3:04am
I think the guide itself is fine but these comments are making me cry.

@AdmiralChocobos - Dual Breath helps ganks way more than Ice Path. The movement speed slow and massive AoE damage is way more reliable than Ice Path, which is tricky to land at best and is only worth bothering with at level 4

@Starbucks 64 - Liquid Fire is an amazing skill that rocks when maxed early. It's a free 125 damage harass that screws up last hits. If you get to the tower, you have no problem destroying it. Very underrated skill that fits the current early-push meta perfectly. I max Dual Breath 90% of the time, but there is a place for maxing Liquid Fire and there are very few cases where you'd want Ice Path maxed over Liquid Fire

@Jaslam - Never skip Dual Breath for stats. It's among the highest damage nukes in the game, with a movement and attack speed slow in a massive AoE... screw stats, man!

I really need to finish my Jakiro guide -_-
jaslam (21) | August 15, 2012 1:05am
@starbucks 64 - dude, I said Dual Breath is for farming, and that is after level 8, when you carry is away, killing, neutrals, whatever, that quick chance you get to farm an entire wave, and buy wards. liquid fire is also a great pushing skill for towers, hence it's dual purpose. you're not supposed to hit the creeps with it but the enemy heroes. every 5 seconds just kite them 1 hit and go back.

@admiral - yes I have considered both, and ice path is also worth leveling, if you have good team synergy, or lack stronger/longer disables by all means level it, then go straight stats (no point getting dual breath after level 11!) - however the dual breath's damage increases nicely when hitting heroes, and you can also use it to quickly farm a lane of creeps - which is why I maxed it 2nd.
Starbucks 64 (3) | August 14, 2012 6:06pm
Ok first of, liquid fire is a terrible skill to max first, you say it's to get farm and push lanes, but if you are babysitting the carry, you do not want to do eother of those, because they both can cause carries to lose farm. You should always max duel breath first simply because its the best ganking tool you have, then either max freeze or liwuid fire second depending on the situation.
Admiral Chocobos (1) | August 14, 2012 9:36am
I think the idea of Orb of Venom + Liquid Fire is a good combo, and the early leveling up with Liquid Fire isn't a bad idea. Though I think you should level up Ice path instead of Dual Breath Early on because it really helps gank a enemy player. Though I know you added the orb of venom to make up for the lack of duration with Ice path. But imagine how much harder it would be for the enemy to escape from the longer duration from Ice path and then added slow from Orb. It would also benefit your other teammate.

Though I can see why you chose to level up Dual Breath due to its slow/damage.
jaslam (21) | August 14, 2012 9:02am
alternates to this build welcome (item skill order etc) -
Don't say it's all wrong and Dual Breath should be first, or whatever - as I know those builds already, hence 'alternate build' -
Dual Breath's mana cost is also a factor for this build!
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