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Jakiro Roamer - Pusher

January 20, 2016 by AlternativeJakiro
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Build 1
Build 2

Destroy and Push

DotA2 Hero: Jakiro

Hero Skills

Double Trouble (Innate)

Dual Breath

2 9 13 14

Ice Path

4 8 10 12

Liquid Fire

1 3 5 7


6 11 16


15 17 18


This guide is dedicated to skilled persons who like pushing and roaming. Beginners can also learn how to use this build ( Build is simplified below this intro).

Also for people who like using loads of keys. (Q,W,E,R,Z,X,C,V,B,N) (Except Insert Aghanim, the rest of the build are active objects.)

This guide is perfect for Fast Finishing game. If your enemies have better late than you warn your team and focus on damaging towers with E as much as posible.

Town Portal Scroll's are really necessary for Jakiro. More or less in minute 10 (depending on the match, when the enemy team starts to switch lanes and go together). We always need to have one with us to go to the opposite line of where our allies are and push with E, or to join them in teamfight. Also to defend tower using our W (and R if necessary.)

Use E in Auto mode (when E is level 3 or 4) to autospam it to creeps, enemies and towers.
Also baite enemies in early with E to make it easier to kill them later or to force them to consume their tango's. ( If the enemy get close to the creeps before you are lvl 6 bait him with E trying to hit creeps too)

Creeping / Jungling

Jakiro DOESN'T GO to JUNGLE, instead he farms in line with E. Your third hability affects the hero or creep selected and burns those enemies who surrounds him, so is easy to farm in Early and easier to farm in Late.

Alternative Jakiro / Early Game

Guide begins with Tranquil boots, we purchase Boots of Speed and Ring of Protection. Then we try get get a rune to buy ASAP the last part of our boots (Ring of Regen). (We can also ask Mid to go to the opposite rune so we can be attentive to our rune and get as much as Bounty Runes as we can)

Then we need to farm (mainly in early game so we can have ASAP our Force Staff. (except if we suffer a lack of MP, in that case we'll need our Eul Septer before that Force Staff.)

Force Staff

Force Staff: Use it only if it's necessary. Not only to run away, also to help our allies to escape or to bring our enemies closer so we can Stun (W) them easier.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity

Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Use Force Staff to get Close to your enemies, then use Eul's Scepter to disable him and when he's about to fall back use (W) to stun him and make it easier for your allies to kill.
Also use it in Team Fight to incapacitate anoying enemies (Like Bane, Invo, or other heroes that can ruin your TF)

Travel Boots and Aghanim Scepter / Mid Game

Then depending on your farm, go for Aghanim or Travel Boots. Aghanim while increase R damage so it will be really useful in teamfight, but if we need pushing, we'll need first our Travel boots to keep on destroying towers with E.

Veil of Discord

Once we got one or both we can go for Veil of Discord to increase magic damage (if you have allies that uses magic hab. wait for them to come before using veil, if not, mind to use it as much as you can before attacking.

Optional / Late Game

- Finally, in late game, if we are farmed and it's GG you can buy Dagon to finish your enemies mainly when they are affected buy your Veil and Ultimate (R), it will be easier to kill them.

- You can build a Vyse instead of Dagon, if there's a really farmed enemy that focus you or simply to make easier you teamfights.

- If you prefer you can upgrade your Travel Boots to be able to push faster or help your allies if necessary.

- If you are happy with your build and don't wanna buy more items just keep your money for buyback.

Pros / Cons


You will be effective throughout the entire game until really late game (more than an more or less 80 minutes).
It's a good guide for persons who like to push and farm alone by pushing all lines and towers, its also easier if you enter in teamfights because you'll have loads of asist.
Enemies may underestimate you, gaining your team easy kills


Allies may underestimate you, leaving you without farm or easy kills.
If you fail buying items in early game you'll be easily focusable. (Try not to die in early and finish items ASAP).
Anti-mage heroes will focus you so consider in that case, if you can, to pick other heroes rather than Jakiro.

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