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4 Votes

Jacosmoot's Guide to Drow Ranger (Short)

August 31, 2012 by Jacosmoot
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NotSureIf (16) | September 1, 2012 2:38am
Unfortunately Jacosmoot there is no way to sugar coat constructive criticism, especially when the criticism is aimed at items for Drow Ranger that aren't meant to be there. Leave out the Battle Fury, Arcane Boots, Boots of Travel, Urn of Shadows and Hand of Midas.

Battle Fury should really only be built on melee heroes to make the most of the Cleave it provides.

Arcane Boots and Boots of Travel aren't necessary as she does has a better choice in boots such as Phase Boots or Power Treads.

Urn of Shadows should be really left with support or gankers.

Hand of Midas isn't really viable for Drow Ranger. The money you used to purchase something more effective like the Claymore component for a Shadow Blade.
Nubtrain (58) | September 1, 2012 2:01am
Here's constructive criticism... the items in situational is all useless, none of them will help Drow become stronger and will ultimately lose the game.

Arcane Boots - Drow does not need a strong mana pool, support heroes should be getting this. If you're worried about going oom, learn to power tread switch. When you're about to silence switch to INT for a larger mana pool. STR -> INT -> AGI -> STR and so on...

Bottle - Again useless, you should have some kind of regeneration on your own like maybe a situational Perseverance or Helm of the Dominator, don't worry about mana.

Boots of Travel - Maybe, if you're trying to split push late game and you have a good amount of farm, items and kills

Hand of Midas - You're delaying your farm and core items to get a farm item, counter intuitive

Urn of Shadows - You're not roaming, nor do you need the mana regeneration, STR power treads is enough until you get BKB

Battlefury - Cleave only works if you're a melee hero and money better spent on another item like Manta Style

Desolator - Maybe but Satanic or Heart is much better to help you survive while dishing out damage

Mjollnir - Again, same as above
Hades4u (296) | September 1, 2012 1:40am
Jacosmoot wrote:

This is my first guide, so as a future note, please help improve my guide with NICE and creative criticism.

Remove Hand of Midas

Remove Arcane Boots

Remove Boots of Travel

Add Manta Style

The item order is also wrong.
Sonycboom | September 1, 2012 1:21am
It's called constructive criticism. What about Manta Style?
Jacosmoot | August 31, 2012 9:39pm
This is my first guide, so as a future note, please help improve my guide with NICE and creative criticism.
Fishy (2) | August 31, 2012 5:10pm
I don't think mana should EVER be an issue on drow and Power treads are the only option. As for Bfury, the stats on it are nice but you don't benefit from the cleave so there are other better items to get.
Jacosmoot | August 31, 2012 8:54am
BF is only if you want that extra damage and regen bonuses, and AB is if you find yourself needing more Mana during fights.
Hades4u (296) | August 31, 2012 8:43am
Battle Fury as luxury..
Arcane Boots as situational..

Is this a troll?
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