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6 Votes

It's now or Nevermore, A guide to Shadow Fiend

March 23, 2015 by IHateTheFogOfWar
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ks4t | April 8, 2015 8:08am
good guide for al those who are new with this hero
IHateTheFogOfWar | March 22, 2015 2:14pm
Timminatorr wrote:

you have to hit publish again to update the guide BTW!

Yeah just did. Thanks, I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have realized otherwise xD
Timminatorr (57) | March 22, 2015 1:16pm
you have to hit publish again to update the guide BTW!
IHateTheFogOfWar | March 22, 2015 11:35am

If you start with the double Branches build you want to pick Shadowraze at level 1 to secure the early Bottle. If you want to go Necromastery first, you should pick up some stats - usually Wraith Band, double Iron Branch and two Tango (Shared) - or you won't be able to get any early last hits versus a good laner that knows how to deny.

Also, you should probably substitute the Shadow Blade with a Mekansm: Eul's and Blink are much better for ganking than an SB if you get an early lead, and the Treads-Aquila-Mekansm build is used quite a lot in competitive for when your teams needs early pushing and a tanky core that can survive teamfight combos.

The late game items are fine: as you show, you should invest more on stats and survivability than on damage, since a tanky SF is much scarier than a glass cannon one.

I have heard that many players in the professional scene do skill Shadowraze at level 1 when going for the double branch build but I've never really tried that out though I will change it and try it out. I completely forgot about the Mekansm and I will make that change right away.
Thanks for the feedback :D
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | March 22, 2015 9:48am
If you start with the double Branches build you want to pick Shadowraze at level 1 to secure the early Bottle. If you want to go Necromastery first, you should pick up some stats - usually Wraith Band, double Iron Branch and two Tango (Shared) - or you won't be able to get any early last hits versus a good laner that knows how to deny.

Also, you should probably substitute the Shadow Blade with a Mekansm: Eul's and Blink are much better for ganking than an SB if you get an early lead, and the Treads-Aquila-Mekansm build is used quite a lot in competitive for when your teams needs early pushing and a tanky core that can survive teamfight combos.

The late game items are fine: as you show, you should invest more on stats and survivability than on damage, since a tanky SF is much scarier than a glass cannon one.
IHateTheFogOfWar | March 21, 2015 6:24pm

You wrote to not pick SF if you need a position 1, but to also pick him when you need a position 1??? Explain me please.
Also... I like how you said that Shadow Blade is good only for ganking, landing requiems. I mean, you do not think it is for escaping :D!
Invoker is probably foe, because of his harrasing power and mana burn(depends on build though). BUT it depends of the skill level of the invo.
Also I don't think Shadow Fiend is a pos 1 by any means.
Consider adding Phase Boots. They are quite viable on Nevermore.
Anyway the guide is great ^^

I said not to pick Shadow fiend when your team needs a position one THAT CAN LANE. Meaning a carry that go safelane like Faceless Void, Juggernaut,Spectre and so on.
Shadow blade really isn't very reliant for an escape mechanism. Maybe for the first time but after your opponents notice you used it to escape once they will probably buy dust and other means of detection.
Shadow Fiend has the potential to Position 1. I've played sf and been part of countless games where there has been a successful sf playing position 1. Though it might be a better idea to get a more reliant carry to play position 1.
I guess you're right about the Invoker thing. It does depend on the skill level of the player. I'll remove him soon.
I'll add phase boots for boots of choice along with Treads although I still think being able to manipulate your stats is crucial when your playing Nevermore.
Thanks for feedback. :D
SatomiCappucino (12) | March 21, 2015 5:57pm
You wrote to not pick SF if you need a position 1, but to also pick him when you need a position 1??? Explain me please.
Also... I like how you said that Shadow Blade is good only for ganking, landing requiems. I mean, you do not think it is for escaping :D!
Invoker is probably foe, because of his harrasing power and mana burn(depends on build though). BUT it depends of the skill level of the invo.
Also I don't think Shadow Fiend is a pos 1 by any means.
Consider adding Phase Boots. They are quite viable on Nevermore.
Anyway the guide is great ^^
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