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8 Votes

It's gonna be a scorcher 6.83 - A support Lina guide (in progress)

April 2, 2015 by Flareon
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ChiChi (47) | April 2, 2015 10:59am
Nice guide, a +1 from me too! I agree with both your items choices and explanations and your skill build. Way to go.

In the friends section you're gonna be adding, don't forget Lina's ice sister, that can help her a lot with mana issues and let her transition into a 4 role :)
Flareon | June 7, 2014 5:39pm
Xyrus wrote:

To be honest, I wouldn't suggest that amateurs play Lina if basic Positioning and Map Awareness are difficult for them.

Well she is can at least take someone with her before dying, and squishy heroes force you to learn positioning and map awareness by hard. And most amateurs have a basic knowledge about that, however, blink is disabled as an escape mechanism if you are jumped on, and sometimes that's indifferent from your map awareness, while a force staff can still save you from those situations.
Xyrus (104) | June 6, 2014 2:49pm
Flareon wrote:

To everyone who says Blink Dagger should be added as core:
I have seen the power of blink, it is really strong and it does provide alot of mobility which lina does need indeed, but I wouldn't suggest it for new players or even some amateurs as it requires knowledge of positioning and map awareness, which takes time to get used to. (It is expensive too)

To be honest, I wouldn't suggest that amateurs play Lina if basic Positioning and Map Awareness are difficult for them.
Flareon | June 6, 2014 2:10pm
F.E.A.R.0 wrote:

Good guide but the only thing I can say is I'm not a Lina support.

She can be played as carry and as a very great snowballer if the game allows it. She does not need to be played as a support I agree, you are not forced to do that, but supports usually lack in most dota games and I haven't seen a guide on how to support with her.

On the other side I'm horrible at playing the carry role, if I gave advice about that it would probably not be the best or maybe not good at all ^^7
Flareon | June 6, 2014 1:57pm
Sando wrote:

Oh...and it's "Scorcher" - sorry :)

All these times I have heard wrong!!! Nobody will realize, I'm sure nobody will realize (repeating this to myself until I believe it)
Flareon | June 6, 2014 1:08pm
To everyone who says Blink Dagger should be added as core:
I have seen the power of blink, it is really strong and it does provide alot of mobility which lina does need indeed, but I wouldn't suggest it for new players or even some amateurs as it requires knowledge of positioning and map awareness, which takes time to get used to. (It is expensive too)

I agree with ghost scepter and bkb being situational items, I just forgot them ^^7

To those who say I should add friends and foes you are right, it's in the to do list.

For all comments, I really appreciate your constructive critic a lot, thank you for the support :)

P.D. I'll add a to do section
Dj.Monkey | June 5, 2014 7:03am
I think a Blink Dagger needs to be added to core
Otherwise its a pretty good guide.
Eightfold (9) | June 4, 2014 4:35pm
You get a +1 from me, but I do suggest making a friends/foes section. I also suggest a section on how to actually gank with lina.
F.E.A.R.0 (38) | June 4, 2014 8:02am
Good guide but the only thing I can say is I'm not a Lina support.
Xyrus (104) | June 4, 2014 5:44am
It's a nice guide, but it could do with some explanations of your Items and general advice on how to play Lina
Sando wrote:

Generally good guide, some nice presentation and explanations. Like the item builds, they're pretty solid, although I think you might be able to squeeze another Clarity potion in there somewhere, and make Blink Dagger, Ghost Scepter and Black King Bar situational.

This ^

Personally, I would add Blink Dagger to "Core Items (when Warding)", being able to Blink in and Ult is a great way of Nuking down the most important target without giving the other Team time to stop you. If they stun you afterwards? you've already dealt a lot of damage, so it's fine. I usually go Urn of Shadows -> Blink Dagger -> Black King Bar when I'm snowballing since you can go in, slaughter someone and there ain't much they can do about it! 8{D

Force Staff is a good alternative to Blink Dagger if you want to play more Defensively, or want to move someone else around though.

I would also add Urn of Shadows to "Early Game" as sometimes another Hero, typically an Offlaner who has access to Farm, will build a Mekansm faster than you, e.g. Dark Seer, Tidehunter, Windranger, etc. and Urn of Shadows is cheaper, fixes your Mana problems, makes you a bit Tankier and gives you a cheap Heal/Nuke with every Kill that you get.
Sando (118) | June 4, 2014 1:19am
Generally good guide, some nice presentation and explanations. Like the item builds, they're pretty solid, although I think you might be able to squeeze another Clarity potion in there somewhere, and make Blink Dagger, Ghost Scepter and Black King Bar situational.

Personally I like your 3rd build the best, but your explanation for 1 and 2 is fine. It might be useful to talk a bit about allies and enemies - Lina needs squishies to fry, and aggressive lane partners (esp. with reliable stuns) are a big help.

Oh...and it's "Scorcher" - sorry :)

Overall +1
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