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It is foretold

June 12, 2016 by Tummibear
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It is foretold

DotA2 Hero: Death Prophet

Hero Skills

Witchcraft (Innate)

Crypt Swarm

1 4 7 9


3 12 13 14

Spirit Siphon

2 5 8 10


6 11 16


15 17 18

It is foretold

June 12, 2016

Starting Game

Death Prophet is incredibly strong but fragile.
Her Crypt Swarm will keep certain tanky heroes from making aggressive moves.
If you're laning, start saving for an early bottle and man the runes. If you're in lane, depending on who you're laning against, you've got three main options: Arcane Boots if you're very spell dependant to keep in lane or stay on top of farm, or Phase Boots if you find you can chase down slower heroes or keep gankers from having their way with you. A great side option if you're able to safely secure kills is an Urn of Shadows. Urn will keep you alive longer and provide useful health/mana regen.

Laning Phase

Depending on your situation you will either benefit from Arcane or Phase Boots. Tranquils are never recommended for Krobelus as she can use her Spirit Siphon to regain lost health and survive harassment.
Arcanes will secure more spell usage. That means using spells at the right time more often.
Phase Boots will secure a faster escape and more ability to chase down fleeing enemies.
Urn is used primarily when your team needs regen and you're able to safely secure kills or assists with Death Prophet. There are two gauntlets of strength in Urn which will give you an extra 120 HP. There is also a 50% mana regen rate which is very helpful after you get above 33 intelligence.
Rod of Atos is pure gold for Death Prophet. It offers 350 HP and 30 intelligence but aside from the health and stats it offers a slow of 60% on a target in a 1000 unit radius for four incredibly long seconds.

The combo for Death Prophet that works well currently is to use phase boots to get in range to use your Spirit Siphon, slow with atos, drain hp until they're soft enough for a crypt swarm to finish the kill or kill an escaping foe.

Mid Game

Once you've taken a few towers with your ult, you should be sitting well on gold.
Your next objective is to stay alive and make the most of the time you have before the enemy team rearms for another push. Death Prophet if she gets farmed should go for a Bloodstone and Blademail if she's against a strong physical team. Go for BKB instead of blademail if your enemy is magical.

Force Staff or Eul's if you need to get into a fight quickly.
If your team is also getting creamed and you're underfarmed, go for team items and active use items to soften up enemies for your allies.

And Ward. You're Death Prophet. You should be able to see the future and know where you should be looking for enemies.

End game

Get Octarine if you're winning with Exorcism
Shiva's if your team needs slows
Silver Edge to neutralize passive abilities and escape safely
Heart if you need tankiness
Radiance if you're god mode and no one can stop you
Scythe for heroes with illusions or fortress heroes like Axe or Pudge or Phantom Assassin
No matter what, your number one priority is not to die and take towers. You're not meant to be an MLG winnar with 30 kills and 0 deaths if you lose, having taken none of the towers.
Death Prophet is a pusher by design.

Special Mentions

Death Prophet pushes waves with Crypt Swarm and pushes towers with Exorcism.
She needs the gold and XP farm to stay relevant in the game. So your deaths impact your team more than other heroes.
I'd say in order to stay ahead of yourself a good 3>1 ratio of kills to deaths is important.

Honorable mentions from the recommended build are Vangaurd and Drum of Endurance. Vanguard will let you take more hits and Drum will help you and your team hit faster with a quicker escape.
Q: "Is refresher good on Death Prophet?"
A: The item itself is a good for landing two good ults, and the regen is incredible. Be careful however as there is many times where survivability and escapes will be more effective than a double exorcism.

Q: "Who counters Death Prophet?"
A: Death Prophet is countered by a lot actually. Namely Watch out for Ganklords who can keep you from doing your thing.
-Spirit Breaker
-Nature's Prophet
-Phantom Assassin
Other heroes who can counter her are tanks
-Axe can call with blademail and cull before she's able to retaliate
-Tiny can avalanche toss combo her for an easy kill
-Pudge is her weakness as he can hook her, taking her out of the fight and melee her to death or near death with dismember

However, she can work around all of these counters.
-Spirit Breaker can be silenced if you've been buying wards to stop his nether bash.
-Riki can be stopped with sentries and escape devices
-Nature's Prophet can be countered with a quelling blade, forcestaff or shadowblade
-Phantom Assassin relies on her abilities more than it seems. Silence her before she can do her main damage and disappear with shadowblade or forcestaff
-Axe needs to be countered with vision and teamwork. Death Prophet by herself requires a lot more farm than Axe to stay ahead of him
-Tiny can be countered with Black King Bar and vision.
-Pudge is perhaps the hardest to counter. Learn to watch for his hooks always. Watch the map. Use wards. If he's missing assume he's in the trees. Watch his items. If he gets blink and Aether he's going to seem to be everywhere.
Silence and siphon him. It will help your team a ton. Especially with Pudge's regen. If you can wipe the team with exorcism, don't save it for a tower. Your team will have to right click it.
Keep yourself and your team alive.

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