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10 Votes

IO - The Most Glowing Support

September 14, 2015 by s_qw23
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Da Boss TM | January 2, 2017 7:24am
Excellent guide for noobs like me :)
s_qw23 | December 20, 2014 6:04am
I've adjusted a few things, nothing worth mentioning
s_qw23 | September 21, 2014 3:49pm
Arachnid wrote:

You should get heart on Io... Io is a strength hero after all and if you aren't getting hit and the tethered character is he's still getting the hearts regen.Since Io is a strength hero it will also improve damage. This is still a good guide though I haven't played IO (yet), but a heart is still a great item on Io do to the fact that he's a strength hero and whoever he's tethered to would have insane health regen.

You are right, heart is an awesome item on Io. The thing is, the moment Io has enough farm to afford a heart and you still didin't win the game, you are probably doing something seriously wrong. But if you can get it, it's a no-brainer.
Arachnid | August 29, 2014 11:10pm
You should get heart on Io... Io is a strength hero after all and if you aren't getting hit and the tethered character is he's still getting the hearts regen.Since Io is a strength hero it will also improve damage. This is still a good guide though I haven't played IO (yet), but a heart is still a great item on Io do to the fact that he's a strength hero and whoever he's tethered to would have insane health regen.
Diocanato (2) | August 9, 2014 6:58am
I liked the guide, it offers a lot of good points to discuss.
I agree with the fact you can't be effective in pubs cause the lack of communication/collaboration.
I don't agree totally by the way with the un compatibility between io and slark/spiritbreaker.
The first can protect io during the lane phase with his stun. He is a powerful chaser but needs hp regeneration. If he has a good hardsupp he can purchase more aggressive items and do more chase in enemy territory being sure he will come back fast with relocating.
Spirit breaker instead is a harder partner in Lane. He can barely think about himself so I can understand the worries. On the other hand, think about the global presence this two heroes will generate later.
If spirit breaker decide to rush on someone, io can follow and secure kills and comebacks in no time.
After lvl 6 you can't think of focusing on io, spiritbreaker is too dangerous but the spirits and the awesome speedbonus the two can grant themselves will not leave any hope.
Any invisible hero will be scout if tethered, so better avoid them.
s_qw23 | August 7, 2014 2:07pm
Skitoritto wrote:

I was such an idiot discarding E.
Then I read this guide and figured out it's a nice idea.
Tranquil Boots are awesome on Io, as you get no HP regeneration while being hit.
The less HP you have the more HP you can supply to your Teatherbuddy using healing items such as Mek,Bottle and etc..
One of the best guide I've read in last 2 years,well done!

Thank you very much mate :D

- Did some minor updates, nothing worth mentioning... I know there are still some misspellings etc. but i am too lazy atm.
Skitoritto | April 6, 2014 10:51am
I was such an idiot discarding E.
Then I read this guide and figured out it's a nice idea.
Tranquil Boots are awesome on Io, as you get no HP regeneration while being hit.
The less HP you have the more HP you can supply to your Teatherbuddy using healing items such as Mek,Bottle and etc..
One of the best guide I've read in last 2 years,well done!
Wandering | March 25, 2014 10:39pm
You need to press the publish button again for everyone to see the changes.
s_qw23 | March 25, 2014 11:14am
Timminatorr wrote:

You shouldnt really ever get Overload that late. I think you should get it before a second level in Tether. Its not like the healing increases.

And i dont a agree with ursa being a bad partner. If fact you can even go solo rosh with the two of them and their relocate ganks are deadly.
Though most of the times chaos knight and tiny are better ursa still is a really good partner.

About getting Overcharge that late I agree. Don't know what happend there. Anyways I fixed it :P

About ursa being a good lane partner. Imo Ursa can work out. But against an aggressive lane ursa just can't protect Io. I personally feel like it is a bad line up but as a wrote it can work out once in a while. However this is probably personal preference. I will just not mention ursa in the guide.
s_qw23 | March 25, 2014 11:10am
Moodkill wrote:

Bloodstone is also a good item for health and mana regen.

Ty. Added to the list.
E4rl | March 25, 2014 9:32am
+1, the guide is really good. (Although I do not play as Io, I've sent this to my "ward b****")
But I disagree with Slark being a bad laning partner. Pounce + Tether is a good combo to get some early kills.
Timminatorr (57) | March 25, 2014 7:58am
You shouldnt really ever get Overload that late. I think you should get it before a second level in Tether. Its not like the healing increases.

And i dont a agree with ursa being a bad partner. If fact you can even go solo rosh with the two of them and their relocate ganks are deadly.
Though most of the times chaos knight and tiny are better ursa still is a really good partner.
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